The Crime Scene

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RK900's P.O.V: We arrive at the crime scene it's not pretty, Gavin gets out of the car and I follow, He starts to talk to the officer on scene and I go to analyse the victims, an WK400 and a Bl100 model, I knelt down next to them and sampled the thirium on one of the androids

"What the actual phck are you doing?!?!?" Reed asked from behind me, obviously in disgust

"I'm sampling the evidence, it's quite handy to be able to get results in real time Detective" I said in the usual monotone voice

"Yeah? Well just don't put any more evidence anywhere near your mouth, got it?"

"Got it" I looked back at my fingers and examined it
"Detective, they've been dead for more than a month, how did no one find out about this until now?" I asked

"Do I look like a walking book of answers? I have no idea, maybe no one comes out here anymore" Reed said

I got up and started to look around, I walked over to the graffitied wall and scanned it for any clues, I looked around by the benches and saw something that would've given an non careful human away immediately, a letter, around the edges thirium from the victims, in the shape of Xs, I picked up the letter and read it: "So someone FINALLY found their bodies, I knew that it would be a while, anyway you are too late to be able to find me, this is just a warning, you'll just waste your time, so bye bye!
P.S Conan, good luck dealing with the detective~"

"What the f—" I was about to say before Reed put his hand on my back

"What'd you find there tin can?" He asked so calmly

"A letter from the killer" I said showing Gavin, Gavin read it with caution for a few minutes before looking up at me

"So Three questions... 1. Can you check when it was written? 2. How would they know all that and 3. Your name is Conan?" He asked me slightly freaked out

"1. Yes 2. I have no idea but that's why we're here and 3. Yes but just call me nines, Detective" I said before examining the letter's ink: 5 hours old

"Can't I call you Richard?" Gavin asked

"No, why? And the ink is 5 hours old" I said

"Because you're a Dick to me, and holy shit"
[O Slap Gavin]
[X Give intimidating stare]

I raised my hand up high and slapped Gavin's face "No more stupid jokes Detective, this is serious" I said

"Ow, phcking android" Gavin said holding the side of his face

"So that means that the killer is still out there, just toying with us

"So we better get searching.." Gavin said turning away from me

"Yeah, we should.." I said unsure of why I felt as if that was a little harsh.

(2 hours later)

Me and Gavin get out at the android's house and examine what we can, leaving with zero new clues, we asked around but the neighbors couldn't give us any answers either

"Maybe we should just try again tomorrow" Gavin said

"What? My instructions stipulate that I have to accomplish my mission ASAP, I can't wait for your lazy and ignorant ass to feel like getting a move on with the investigation!" I yelled

"Fine, you want my help? You can forget it, if you're already going to get all phcking agitated on me then you can just phck off!" Gavin yelled back before getting up and leaving to his car

"Great 8pm and my partner already hates me, what am I going to do?" I asked myself before the rain started to drop "Of course.."

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