Surprise (Smut/Lemon)

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RK900's P.O.V: I looked at the house from the taxi window before stepping out, I walked up to the front door and opened it 'That was more annoying than I thought it'd be' I thought to myself while closing the door behind me "Oh Gavin~ I'm home~" I cooed out but no response, I went into the bedroom to see him asleep "Aww~" I looked at Gavin as he slept, he was so cute and the more I thought about it the more I realised it's even more adorable how he's a heavy sleeper (obvious sarcasm) now I have to wait for him to wake up, I furrowed my eyebrows and went back out to the living room to play with the cats and wait for Gavin to wake up, I waited for 20 minutes before hearing Gavin yawn "Good morning Gavin~" I called to him but there was only silence on his end "Gavin?" I called out again "Last chance Gavin. Respond." I said but he still wouldn't respond so I got up and went into the bedroom to find that he wasn't in bed anymore but the window was open 'As if I'm falling for that one' I told myself "Damnit Gavin, where are you?" I asked "I'm getting 'frustrated'" I said, the upgrades weren't just physical, now androids feel pain and pleasure and all the pros and cons that come with those things which includes sexual frustration "Gavin if you don't show yourself in the next 3 seconds you're going to be sorry" I said then I started to count down, I got to three but Gavin still hid from me, I got down on my hands and knees and looked under the bed to see a strange mass underneath it, I grabbed it and heard it whimper "Found you Gavin." I said in my regular monotonous voice while pulling Gavin out from under the bed, he still tried to run but I held him still

"Damnit! How'd you find me?" He asked

"Simple, the window was open but there were no traces of you escaping through it, I knew you were still in the room, it's pretty simple Gavin" I said

"Well that's phcking stupid" Gavin snarled

"My turn to ask a question: if you knew you were in trouble with me and already being punished then why would you hide and make it worse? I thought you were as excited as I was about these upgrades" I asked with a fake frown

"Because I was reconsidering the fact about you phcking me, especially with what you were saying" Gavin told me

"Well Gavin I'm afraid there's no getting out of this" I told him

"You can't phck me without consent" Gavin said

"Yeah but I know you're just playing hard to get, you always have so I don't believe that you don't want me to tear you open~" I said, lust captivating my voice

"I- W-Well.. I.." Gavin stuttered out

"Exactly what I thought kitten~" I said before kissing his ear

"Ugh... I can't believe I'm getting seduced by an android threatening to 'tear me open'" Gavin groaned

"It's going to be fun either way~" I cooed into his ear lustfully

"If that's what you call fun then sure.." Gavin dragged out, I kissed his ear again and lifted him up onto the bed

"You're so cute Gavin~" I said, my voice full of lust, Gavin only responded in embarrassed noises

"I don't really want to ask but how big, are you exactly?" Gavin asked me embarrassed

"Six inches" I started

"Oh." Gavin said

"Plus six inches" I continued

"Oh god" Gavin said nervously

"You'll be fine Gavin, I know you will~" I told him while petting his head

"If you say so Tin can, I'm still not excited though.." Gavin said with attitude

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