Time To Think

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Rk900's P.O.V: Me and Gavin sat at our desk thinking about how we can prove her 'innocence' "Maybe we can't prove her innocent but we can stage her escape" Gavin suggested

"That's will be our final plan, okay?" I told Gavin

"Okay" Gavin replied "Do you really like me?" He asked

"I do Gavin, that's why I took all those risks, I felt a strong connection towards you and I just wanted to be happy with you, I need you so much, I love you Gavin Reed and I always will" I said while grabbing Gavin's hands

"I love you too Nines" Gavin said while looking into my eyes "Phck, if anyone ever told me that I'd end up falling in love with a stupid piece of plastic like you, I would've called them phcking crazy" Gavin told me

"And if anyone ever told me that I'd fall in love with an asshole like you I would've had them killed on the spot" I laughed

"Damn you're phcking creepy, did ya know that Tin can?" Gavin asked

"Only on special occasions" I joked, Gavin pulled his hands back and wrapped his arms around me

"You're not funny Nines, adorable? Maybe, funny? No" Gavin told me, I smiled and wrapped my arms around Gavin

"Understood Gavin" I said, we stopped hugging and turned around to see Connor fanboying silently "Fuck" I said

"Phck's right" Gavin told me "Maybe we should go somewhere else to continue our conversation" Gavin suggested

"That would seem to be a good idea" I told him before we got up and went outside to the car, Gavin drove to a park, it seemed calm and quiet, we got out of the car and went to sit down at one of the benches

"So do you have a way to prove her innocent?" Gavin asked

"We could possibly say that she was hacked and framed for all those murders" I told Gavin

"How do we make it believable?" He asked

"Simple, I'll program into her memory a fake memory of not having control of herself, if it works correctly then we could get away with it and help her out" I told Gavin

"Smart thinking Nines" Gavin told me

"Well I am the most advanced prototype" I said

"Ugh, forget I said anything" Gavin groaned, I smiled and caressed his cheek "What are you doing Nine—" I cut Gavin off by pressing a passionate kiss against his lips and he pulled me into a longer kiss, I closed my eyes to get more into the kiss, I felt Gavin smile before deepening the kiss and intertwining his fingers in my hair, I smiled and gently placed my hand on Gavin's thigh, Gavin pulled away and placed his head on my chest "You know, I haven't felt this relaxed in forever" He said

"I'm happy that you're relaxed now Gavin" I said while petting his head, running my fingers through his hair

"You really are better than I expected the first day I saw you" Gavin told me

"Yeah and about what I told you when we first m—"

"Save it Tin can I forgive ya for that insult" Gavin cut me off

"No, I was going to say that now with new upgrades being added to Cyberlife androids to make us more "human like" you'll never have to come in your own presence ever again for as long as you have me" I told Gavin while winking, his face lit up and he moved his head out of my chest

"Wow, o-okay.." Gavin said

"But with these upgrades come a little catch, since they make us more human and for me to be more human you would see me as a... top" I said, Gavin's eyes grew and his face went redder than I've ever seen it


"Gavin please, it's not my choice to have my upgrade so in role to my personality type" I told him

"PHCK THAT! YOU ARE NOT COMING ANYWHERE NEAR MY A—" I cut Gavin off by covering his mouth

"Look Detective, it's Cyberlife's design choice not mine, plus you're already built to be a bottom you tsundere bitch, so when I get those upgrades you're going to take it, got that?~" I asked, Gavin nodded "Good boy" I whispered into Gavin's ear making him shudder, I stood up "We should probably go free the RK200 in the station then" I said

"Y-Yeah" Gavin stuttered, his face still tomato red which was adorable, we both walked over to th scar and got inside, I gave Gavin a peck on the cheek and he kissed my lips before driving back to the DPD

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