Mission Failed

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RK900's P.O.V:  "We get her out of there by any means" I told Gavin

"So I guess you couldn't think of anything else huh?"

"No, but we can't let her die without even trying to save her"

"I agree with that, let's go." Gavin said and I grabbed his hand and stopped him from starting the car

"Wait, there's still 10 hours until her trial, don't you just want to stay in the car and cuddle for a while? It would be nice to get to spend more quality time with you" I said

"Fine Tin can, only because I can't help but want to be in your embrace" Gavin said

"Do you want to go in the back so we have more room?" I asked

"Sure" Gavin said opening the car door and getting into the back of the car and I did the same, I laid down at a slight angle and Gavin got on top of me, I kissed his forehead and he pushed his head into my chest, I smiled and put my hand on his back, he was so cute and I loved it, he wrapped his arms around my waist and relaxed his body, I pet his back and watched as his eyes closed and I continued to pet him, he seemed so relaxed, much better than I have ever seen him, I smiled to myself and held him close to me, I felt happier than I have ever been, I closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes to a virtual world 'shit, I completely forgot about Amanda' I thought to myself  "Conan" I heard her say

"Hello Amanda.." I dragged out

"I see you've completely betrayed me and for what a human who treats you like garbage?" She asked

"Look, I just want to be free, okay? Is that too much to ask?" I said

"No, what's really going beyond the point here is what you're planning to do with the android that murdered" she said

"How do you?" I started

"I have my eyes on you at all times Conan" she told me, I looked over to a weird looking rock, Conner told me about how he escaped out of being hacked and he told me about the same thing, it's an emergency exit

"Maybe, but without any of this you can't control me"

"What are you talking about?" Amanda asked but I didn't respond, I ran over to the emergency exit and put my hand up to it "Conan stop!" Amanda ordered but I just kept interfacing with it until I felt a part of me snap and I awoke suddenly, I felt more free than before, I smiled and looked down at Gavin, he was fast asleep, just about drooling onto my uniform, I checked the time 1 more hour until he RK200's trial, how did we sleep for so long, I sat up right and shook Gavin awake gently "Gavin? Gavin. We need to go, now" I told him

"What why?" Gavin asked

"Because there's only an hour before her trial" I said

"Wh-What?! We've been asleep for 9 hours?!" Gavin yelled in shock

"Yes, we need to hurry now, it's a 48 minute drive back leaving us with 22 minutes to get inside the DPD, cause a distraction and get her out of there" I told Gavin, Gavin quickly got up and climbed over to the driver's seat and I just stayed in the back to save time, Gavin drove back to the DPD.

We arrived with 22 minutes to go, we got inside and started to go towards the cells when Fowler called us into his office "So do you know why you're here?" Fowler asked us

"No, we don't" I told him

"You're here because I got an anonymous tip that you were going to try to break the RK200 out of her cell" Fowler told us

"That's completely ludicrous" I told him

"Well it might be but we have to take precautions on this, so I advise that if the tip isn't true that you two just go home for the rest of the day, please don't make it hard for anybody" Fowler said

"Of course we will, won't we Gavin" I said feeling as if everything just crumbled down before me

"Yeah, Of course" Gavin said

"Alright, I'll see you two tomorrow" Fowler said and we walked out of his office and we got back into Gavin's car

"Fuck!" I yelled out of frustration

"Woah, woah Nines! Let's leave from the DPD before you yell something that might give us away" Gavin told me

"Sorry, I just, who gave in that tip?" I asked

"I don't know, and I'm sorry, I know you wanted to save that girl but we can't always save people who are struggling" Gavin told me

"I know, I just thought we could save her" I said in defeat

"Hey.. let's just go home and try to forget about this, okay?"


"Plus in a few days you'll get those upgrades and we'll be able to have a little fun~" Gavin said lust in his voice

"Of course Detective" I said before kissing him deeply he kissed me back before pulling away

"Let's go home then" Gavin said and I nodded, Gavin drove to his house

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