The Escape

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RK900's P.O.V: [🔓Emotional]
"P-Please, I don't want anyone to die, please just cooperate, I don't want to die, I don't want you to die and I don't want my partner to die, just please, listen to me, put down the gun and come with us, I could potentially convince the humans not to hurt you" I said

"No, I don't want anyone to die either, but you make it so difficult, I just want to free him and then I want to live with him like I used to, all I need is a body and I can transfer his memory into it and we can finally be a couple again, no more nights of split personalities, no more loneliness... please just.. just let me set him free, I won't bother you anymore, I promise you" she said, tears steadily rolling down her face

"I'm sorry but you know that we can't do that, you've scared everyone, and the news that we let you get away will be horrifying to everyone, but maybe we can convince the humans to let you live and help you" I told her

"And I'm sorry too. I've come way too far to take that risk" she said while aiming the gun at my head, I ducked down immediately before hearing the gun shot above me, I threw Gavin to the side where he wasn't seen or reachable then I ran to the other side just before two more gun shots could be heard "Do NOT make this harder than it already is!" She screamed, I connected with the DPD and asked for back up and she heard me "You double crossing motherfucker!" She yelled out trying to shoot at me, I ducked behind a box out of her sight, I heard more gunshots before poking my head out, she was losing thirium from two gunshot wounds near her chest

"Detective! Are you crazy?!" I yelled out to Gavin

"Well it's better to be crazy and risk shooting her than both of our lives being lost right?" Gavin said, she turned to where Gavin was and I ran out and tackled her knocking her to the floor, she held onto her gun tightly, aiming it at me, I jumped over her and ran up to Gavin "Are you okay Nines?!" Gavin asked concerned

"Yes I'm fine, she hasn't hit me once" I told him, I looked over to the doors, still wide open, "Can you run fast enough and dodge her bullets Detective" I asked Gavin

"No, I can't, I'm still shaken from what just happened" Gavin told me so I picked him up into my arms and stood up before sprinting towards the doors, squeezing Gavin tightly, heating gunshots left from right as I jumped out of the building and behind the door

"Are you alright Detective?" I asked him

"Y-Yeah, but are you insane? You could've gotten injured or worse!" He told me

"Yeah, well better to be insane than risk the both of us losing our lives, right?" I told him, he just smiled and hugged me "We should probably go, back up will be here soon and they'll take care of her, but first" I said before grabbing Gavin's gun and looking back inside to see the RK200 trying to get up and shot her 4 times in the lower back and the legs "Okay now let's go" I said while giving Gavin his gun back and walking over to the car just in time for back up to arrive and we let them take it from there.

We got in the car and Gavin drove to the DPD, we went into the break room and Gavin made himself a coffee "Nice work tin can" Gavin told me

"Yeah, you helped though" I told Gavin, he sat down next to me and sighed in relief

"You know, we only got out of that by luck" Gavin said "It was scary but we made it in the end" he continued

"It was pretty lucky that we made it out of there alive Detective" I said

"You know what Nines, you can call me Gavin or even Reed, stop being so formal, we're partners" Gavin said

"Okay, Gavin" I said

"About what you told me on the way there.." Gavin dragged out "You really feel emotion when with me huh?"

"Yes Gavin, it's something that I cannot control"

"Well, I only really feel human when with you" Gavin said slowly inching closer "I care about you Nines, I care about you a lot and I-"

"Look Gavin, they have her" I pointed out to him cutting him off

"Oh, nice..." Gavin responded

"Is something wrong?" I asked

"No, everything's okay" he told me before drinking some of his coffee

"You know we can always just come back tomorrow to interrogate her" I told Gavin

"I like the sound of that, Plastic" Gavin told me before getting up

"Shall we go back to yours do you can rest and I can recharge?" I asked

"Yeah, let's go" Gavin said before getting up and walking outside and I followed him to his car and we both got inside, we arrived at his house and went inside "I'll be back in a minute" Gavin told me so I decided to make a report to Cyberlife

"Well done Conan. You managed to find the killer and now she's in he DPD ready for interrogation, I cannot wait for the results tomorrow" Amanda told me

"And I shall report it to you once again" I told her

"Very well, I'll see you again soon" she told me before I opened my eyes to find Gavin changed and leaning up against my shoulder, already snoring, I smiled and decided to go into recharge mode.

Software instability ^_____

Are we really lovers?- Reed900Where stories live. Discover now