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RK900's P.O.V: I sit at Gavin's desk waiting for him to get back from the break room still thinking about what Gavin had said "Hey Rk900" I hear a slightly rough voice say

"Hello Lieutenant" I greet back, looking at hank, his Connor model walking over to their desk

"How's Reed treating ya?" He asked

"The Detective treats me fairly enough, I just wish I knew exactly how to read him.." I said looking over into the break room

"Well, as long as he ain't harsh with you, then I ain't bothered by it" Hank told me before leaving, I watched him and Conner exchange a conversation and some glares that were meant to show love or something, it just seemed weird to me, I looked back over to the break room to see Gavin come back with a cup of coffee

"Ready to get to work tin can?" He asked

"Yep, ready as I'll ever be Detective Reed" I replied, Gavin nodded his head and we saw there to be 2 new reports on the same types of murders: and RK700 model and another BL100 model

"So which one do you wanna investigative first, Richard?" Gavin asked while nudging my shoulder

"Detective. I swear call me Richard one more time and you're getting my foot up your ass" I said getting pissed off by his antics

"Alright, I'm sorry" he said while leaning forward to read the reports more, I scanned through them, both found dead in the outside part of town, both reported missing three months back but they don't have much in common with each other besides that
[O RK700 Case]
[X BL100 Case]
"Detective, I feel like we should investigate the RK700 model's case first" I told Gavin

"Alright then, go get in the car, I'll be there now, just need to get one more coffee for the road and I'll be right out" he told me so I did.

While sitting in the car I kept thinking more about what he had told me, my systems were all perfectly okay but I feel so strange around Gavin, it's like someone's trying to give me new instructions or something but why does it feel so right?

Software instability ^_____

Gavin finally got in the car with his coffee then put it the cup holder before driving in the direction of the crime scene.

Ten minutes into the drive I looked over to Gavin, we came to a stop at a traffic light and his eyes met mine, I quickly turned my head, it feels so strange

"So tin can? What's on your mind?" Gavin asked me "You've been staring out the window for ten minutes now but you haven't said a word, not about the investigation not about your mission, instructions or anything" he continued

"I'm just thinking about this morning, what you said, it's so confusing but I feel like I want to answer those questions, I just don't know what those answers are yet" I told him

"Well, when you figure it out, don't be afraid to tell me the truth, okay Nines? If you're going to be there for me, I'm going to be here for you, tell anyone I said that and I'll have you scraped, got it?" He questioned

"Got it Detective" I replied while hiding a smile.

We finally arrived at the crime scene, we got out of the car and met up with the corresponding officer

"Anything we should know about the android?" Gavin asked

"No, just that's it's in no shape for reactivation" the officer told us

"Nothing like we haven't seen before though, ain't that right tin can? Well let's get going" Gavin said, I followed him over to the victim's body, he was torn apart and missing biocomponents like the android from last night

"Detective, do you think that all these androids are being killed for their biocomponents?" I asked Gavin

"Your theory wouldn't be completely ridiculous Nines" he told me

"What if this is all some set up though? What if this is all just a small piece to a massive puzzle?" I asked

"Well, we'll take all those puzzle pieces until we see the bigger picture" Gavin said

"Yeah, I guess that is true" I said 'Doubts? Am I experiencing some sort of virus? Glitch? Malware? What the hell is happening to me?' I thought to myself.

I analysed the blue blood: Deactivated >19 days

"I expected that, these models have been missing for a very long time" I said noticing something in the corner of my eye "Um, Detective? Do bushes usually hide masses inside them?" I asked Gavin

"Good spotting tin can" Gavin said drawing his gun and walking towards the bushes "We can see you! Come out with your hands up! You are guilty until proven otherwise!" Gavin yelled at who was in the bushes but they ran out dodging us completely, I ran after them keeping up just fine grabbing their hood and pulling it making them struggle and remove their hoodie and out came a female android, an RK200 model, she kept running before ducking onto another small street

"Just go away! You have no idea why I'm doing this, do you!?" She yelled

"So it's you!? The killer!" I yelled back

"Yes but I assume that when your predecessor is destroyed you forget somethings" she said while stopping and reaching behind her

"What do you mean?" I asked while slowing down

"This" she said before drawing a gun, aimed at my head and pulling the trigger
Software instability v__

Gavin's P.O.V: *BANG* "What the phck was that?!" I asked myself while running to where Nines went "I swear this android just won't stop leaving me behind" I continued to talk to myself.

I run into the street and see Nines laying there in the middle of the street not moving, his LED red "Phck! Nines!" I exclaimed running and falling to his side grabbing him and holding him in my arms "Oh Shit, Shit, Shit! Don't worry Nines, everything is going to be ok, YOU'RE going to be ok!" I yelled in despair, he put his hand up to me before he shut down.

"Nines? Nines?? Nines?! NINES!" I screamed as I realised he was gone, I just squeezed him in my arms and cried and sobbed 'why did it have to be him?! Why did he have to get destroyed?'

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