Tracking Down The Killer

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Rk900's P.O.V: Gavin was in the break room again, I swear it's like his home in the DPD, I walked inside and tapped Gavin on the shoulder "Detective, I think we should get back to the task at hand" I told him

"There is no task at hand all we know is that there's a he mixed up in this" Gavin said

"Look Detective, I think it's about time"

"Time for what?" Gavin asked

"Time to track our killer down" I told him

"And you're short circuiting, right?"

"No I'm not Detective"


"And it just might do, but the voice I heard, it sounds similar to another model I've seen before" I told Gavin

"Yeah? What model?" Gavin asked me

"Another model from the RK line, something older, more worn down, like I dunno 200, 300, but all I know is that we're dealing with a female android here" I told Gavin

"So a android from your model line, is our killer?" Gavin asked

"Yes" I replied

"Well, how can I trust you?" Gavin asked me, he looked so attractive asking me that question, his lips slightly pouted out his eyes dead on mine I felt like I was being hacked or something

"I-I know what my priorities are and if I wanted to hurt anyone, I would've done it by now" I said

"Well, where do you want to start our investigation?" Gavin asked me

"The old warehouse, the one that hasn't been used in years, I feel like someone trying to avoid the law would reside there" I told Gavin

"Then get in the car and give me a minute" Gavin told me so I did.

I started to go other my thoughts from earlier, it was weird to feel this way for a human right? Let anyone anyone, maybe I was just compromised, but I feel fine, all systems are fully functional but why must I feel this way, for Gavin of all people, sometimes I confuse and lose myself, I wonder how I'm ever going to tell Gavin about this.

Gavin got into the car and started to drive to the old warehouse, halfway there Gavin stopped at a traffic light and looked at me, I looked back "You know tin can, when I yell at you or curse you out I don't mean it, I just have a weird way of showing gratitude for you being here for me" Gavin told me

"That's alright Detective, in all honesty I can't say I'm any better, when I talk about he investigation so much I'm honestly just trying to distract myself"

"From what" Gavin asked

"From... From these weird temporary forced instructions, they just take over me when I'm with you and I-I don't know what to do..." I told Gavin

"Nines. What those "instructions" are, are emotions, you're feeling emotions when you're with me! That's great, that's really good, you're not just a machine!" Gavin yelled

"But I-I, If I'm not perfect then what am I?" I asked

"You're human, Nines" Gavin told me and I just thought about that as he started driving again, we eventually made it to the warehouse and stepped out of the car "So, do your thing" Gavin told me, I went up to the doors and pried them open and went inside.

It was dark, cold, dusty and it was very off, Gavin came inside and drew his gun, I looked around keeping my guard up, I can't risk getting destroyed again, not now "It seems empty" Gavin said

"It may seem that way but what if it's not" I told Gavin and he sighed and explored the left side of the building and I took the right

"Um, Conan.." Gavin said halfway through our search

"What is it Detective?" I asked walking over to him

"I think I found the missing biocomponents and body parts" Gavin said

"What?" I asked looking at what Gavin was looking at "Oh my god.." I said looking in a box which was full of android parts "B-But that's crazy" I said

"Yeah? And you know what's crazier?" I heard a female voice come from behind us, we turned around to see the killer aiming a gun at us, a RK200 model, "You nosey pieces of shit!" She yelled "You could've done literally anything else, you could've tried to find out anything, but no, you decided to come here and now, Well you're going to die here" she said while slowly pulling her finger back on the trigger
[O Question]
[X Threaten]

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