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Rk900's P.O.V: I awoke from recharge mode and looked down at Gavin, he was still asleep and smiling to himself, I smiled slightly then slowly and carefully laid him down on the couch as I got up, 'he looks so cute when asleep' I thought to myself before going into the kitchen and feeding cats, taking out the trash and making Gavin breakfast.

I looked down at him and smiled wide as I knelt down and gently shook him awake "Good morning Gavin" I said as he opened his eyes slowly and grumbled quietly turning onto his other side, I decided to pick him up in my arms and sit him up on the couch "Nice to see you're awake Reed, I've fed the cats and made breakfast for you" I told him

"Thanks Tin can" he said before yawning and getting up, walking into the kitchen, I smiled and walked into the bathroom catching a glimpse of my face in the mirror, I was blushing a light shade of blue 'That's not normal..' I thought to myself before walking back into the hallway then into the kitchen

"Can I talk to you about something Gavin?" I asked him

"Sure, what's up Nines?" He asked me back

"Well while you were asleep I thought you were I dunno.. kinda cute? Now my face is blue and I don't know how to get rid of it.." I told him

"Awwww, you're just blushing, Plasti-Waitaminute! D-Did you just say you thought I was c-cute????" Gavin asked his face turning red

"Yes Gavin, now your face is turning red." I pointed out

"It's turning red because that was embarrassing to hear!" Gavin shouted before running into his bedroom and shutting the door 'did I say something wrong?' I wondered.

I knocked on Gavin's bedroom door "Are you okay?" I asked him through the door, Gavin opened the door covering his face

"Look, you need to get your feelings for me under control, do you understand?" He asked me

"F-Feelings? I don't quite understand what you're talking about.."

"You know! when you said you thought I looked cute!" Gavin yelled

"It's because you are, you're not intimating, you're smol, you do make my systems go weird and well.."

"Ph-Phck you" Gavin said before shutting his bedroom door again.

I sat in the living room with Gavin's cats, most of them seemed to like me already, they knew me, I fed them, etc...

Gavin walked out of his bedroom dressed "Alright Tin can Are you ready for work?" He asked me

"No, I think I want to take today off, I just want to enjoy the day with you, focus on you and only you, I'd like to get to know who Gavin Reed really is and why I feel this way towards him" I told Gavin

"F-Fine, if you really want to do that, then we will" Gavin told me

"Good, I just need to do something real quick and we can begin our day" I told Gavin before going into his bedroom

Gavin's P.O.V: 'Stupid phcking android, why doesn't he see what he does to me, why won't he just stop phcking around and make some kind of move?' I asked myself "I'm back Gavin" I heard Nines call

"About time, Tin ca—" I started while looking behind me and seeing Nines without his android clothing on but instead a black turtle neck, I felt my face light up 'why the fuck does he have to look so fucking cute?!?' I thought to myself

"How do I look? I thought maybe I'd just take a break from wearing my normal clothing so it didn't give any reminders of work, or Cyberlife.." Nines said

"Well that's a smart idea.." I told him staring at him unnaturally

"Thank you Gavin"

"Yeah, Yeah.. just sit" I told him making him chuckle slightly before he sat next to me "So do you just want to watch tv or..."

"We can do other things to occupy ourselves Gavin" Nines said, 'Well, shit' I thought to myself realising that it might be more difficult than I thought to hide what I feel for this phcking thing "But if you want to watch tv we can" Nines said noticing my silence

"Whatever you want Tin can" I told him, Nines turned he tv on and we just watched random things while talking to each other, Nines just kept going on about Cyberlife, how many models of him there are, what his purpose is, why feelings could lead to him being destroyed and scrapped for analysis

"I just can't help but feel as if too much pressure has been thrown onto me to be completely perfect, it just feels like it's fucking with my software, I'm just so.. perturbed and lost about this all" Nines said

"Sometimes humans feel like that too.. but you want to know what we do to get over it?" I told Nines, gulping slightly


"We wait for the right person to come along and fix us and help us" I said moving closer to him

"But what if that never happens I'll just be a mess, forever" Nines sighed out of defeat

"It will happen" I told him

"Oh how do you know tha—" I cut Nines off by kissing him with passion, when I had pulled away Nines looked shocked but he was also blushing

"I'm sorry Nines.." I apologised

"No don't be, I-You.. You pulled me away from my instructions for a minute, I never knew what it felt like before.. to be.. free..." Nines told me

"Well... do you wanna try again?" I asked him, he didn't say a word, he just grabbed my face and smashed his lips onto mine 'Now this feels right..' I thought to myself wrapping my arms around him

Are we really lovers?- Reed900Where stories live. Discover now