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RK900's P.O.V: I woke up to the sound of Gavin mumbling in his sleep, I thought nothing of it and closed my eyes again until he started to move around and hit me, talking in his sleep, saying things in hysteria, he started to sob out loud and I shook him awake, his eyes shot open and he moved as far back as he could panting heavily as tears streamed down his face "Shhhh... everything is okay Gavin, I'm he-" I tried to say before getting cut off

"Your model number! Wh-What is it?!" Gavin cried out

"#313 248 317- 88" I told Gavin and he seemed to calm down a little "why did you need my model number?" I asked

"Because I just paid attention to it and made note of it in my head just so I could know if you ever got replaced and you weren't my Nines.." Gavin told me, I pet his head and he hugged me tightly

"That's adorable Gavin" I told him

"It ain't! I just remember overhearing Hank and Connor talking once about something and they talked about another model of Connor pretending to be the real one, it just kinda scared me once you came along" Gavin told me

"Gavin you don't have to worry about that, no one is going to try to replace me and if anyone tries, they're dead, okay?" I reassured him

"Okay Nines.." Gavin said

"You were having a nightmare weren't you?" I asked

"Yeah, about you obviously.." Gavin said

"I'm here hun" I told Gavin in a soothing tone

"Where did that name come from?" Gavin said smiling and hugging me

"I thought it would help to make you feel a little better" I said before kissing his forehead

"Well it worked, ya dork" Gavin giggled slightly

"I'm going to be here even after you leave this earth" I told Gavin

"But you're an android, how?" Gavin asked

"I've already made up my mind and the day you die is that day I'll shut myself down" I told Gavin

"Tin can, don't you dar-"

"I've made up my mind Gavin, you're the only thing that I deviated for and you'll be the thing hat I die with" I told him

"Ugh, fine, I just don't want you to waste opportunities because of me" Gavin told me

"There's no opportunities that are worth it" I told him

"Let's just go back to sleep" Gavin said

"Okay Gavin, I love you" I kissed Gavin's forehead

"I love you too Tin can" Gavin said back, I smiled and cuddled him into me, he soon did it voluntarily and we both went back to sleep.

I woke up a while later and Gavin was already up before me, I got up and left the room to see Gavin feeding the cats, I tried to sneak up behind him but the cat's hissing and meows gave me away "Good morning Nines" Gavin said

"Good morning Detective" I said back

"Stop being so formal" Gavin told me

"Okay Detective Gavin Reed" I joked, Gavin turned around and jumped on me before kissing my lips

"I'm being serious Conan" Gavin said, he seemed to be happy, I walked over to the couch and sat down still holding Gavin

"How are you feeling after last night?" I asked him

"I still feel weird but I'm happy to know that I still have my loving piece of plastic" Gavin said before kissing my cheek, I kissed his cheek back

"Are you hungry?" I asked Gavin

"Nope, I had something to eat a little while ago" Gavin told me

"Of course, you're never up before me" I said

"I didn't want to wait for you to get up" Gavin told me

"Hmph, how rude" I said jokingly before putting Gavin next to me

"I was just joking Nines" Gavin said and I pounced on him throwing half percent of my weight into him "Get off of me you heavy asshole!" Gavin yelled from underneath me

"No! Maybe this'll teach you some proper manners and respect!" I told Gavin

"You're such a dick" Gavin mumbled under his breath

"And you are a bitch" I told Gavin

"I love you" Gavin told me

"I love you too" I said back "Do you want to tell me what your nightmare was about?" I asked him

"Well it was just after something stupid I thought of and I thought it was you but it wasn't and you didn't remember me or love me at all and things just ended out with you shooting me" Gavin told me

"I'm really sorry Gavin, that sounds horrible" I told him

"Yeah well, it's nothing compared to nightmares I've had in the past" Gavin told me

"Do you want to vent to me?" I asked him, he paused for a while

"I do actually, that would make me feel a little better, to get things off my chest" Gavin told me

Gavin: Lovers_________

Are we really lovers?- Reed900Where stories live. Discover now