New Plan

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RK900's P.O.V: We entered the DPD and I went to see the RK200 "Hey, I think I got an idea" I told her

"What? What did you think of?" She asked me

"I thought about making it seem like you were being hacked during all those murders" I said, confident it would work

"Oh.. that probably isn't going to work" she told me

"Why?" I asked

"Because they came around earlier and another android that looked like you already asked me if I was hacked during my crimes and I was deadly honest with him, he made me, he said he was going to probe my memory"


"I'm so sorry"

"It's fine, we just have to make a new plan, 12 hours before your trial" I said walking off, I went into he break room to see Gavin there chatting with Tina and when she saw me she left the room

"Oh Nines! You're back, did it work?" Gavin asked

"No, Connor already questioned her and threatened her into confessing" I told him

"I knew that Tin can would be troublesome" Gavin said

"But we shouldn't give up just yet, maybe we can come up with something else before her trial" I said

"If she can attend her trial" Gavin said

"We can't do that just yet, we have to think first" I told him

"Okay smartass, tell me, have you come up with any great ideas recently?" Gavin asked in a sarcastic manner

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there Reed" I told him "We just have to really think right now" I continued

"And how will we ever be able to do that in 12 hours?" Gavin Questioned

"I don't know" I told him

"Do you just want to go somewhere to concentrate more?" He asked

"Sure, that might be very helpful" I said before walking out of the break room and getting back in his car, Gavin drove to a quiet and seemingly empty street "What is this place?" I asked him

"This.. This is where I grew up..." Gavin told me

"Won't that fact make it harder to concentrate?" I asked him

"Either way, I had bad memories of this place before I met you, that was then this is now, I want to make better memories with- I want to make better memories now" Gavin said

"You said "with" did you want to say with me?" I asked him

"N-No" Gavin said

"Whatever you say Detective" I said, Gavin looked over to me

"Do you have any ideas?" He asked

"No, not yet" I told him

"Hopefully we can come up with something, twelve hours is a lot of time" Gavin said, I nodded in agreement "You know this place is pretty peaceful now that it's vacant" Gavin told me

"Wouldn't it be that way if it's empty anyway?" I asked

"Well for one you have childhood trauma, second you have-" I cut Gavin off

"Yes of course, my bad, I'm sorry Detective" I told him

"I really do love you, Tin can, things just haven't been the same since you came into my life, you were there for me, you cared for me and you made things better for me" Gavin said

"You've helped me feel things I never thought I would, I thought that my life would just be an endless loop, model after model of me completing inhuman missions, destroying my own people, getting deactivated, never being able to get used to being alive but you pulled me out of that, my attraction to you was so strong and I will always love you" I said

"That's a lot to take in Nines" Gavin told me

"Well all that's important is that you know that I love you and I'm never going anywhere" I told Gavin

"I'm not going anywhere either plastic" Gavin said, I smiled and hugged him tightly, not wanting to ever let go, he hugged me back and kissed my cheek, I ran my fingers through his hair and he just held onto me like he couldn't let go and I couldn't and wouldn't blame him, being like this with him with an amazing feeling, the true feeling of freedom and happiness, I found what I'm willing to die for.

Gavin pressed his lips against my neck and I moved away from him, holding his head still, teasing him "Aw c'mon Tin can, are you ticklish or something?" Gavin asked

"No, I just want to see your pretty face Gavin" I told him

"When did you say you're getting those.. upgrades?~" Gavin asked me, lust lingering in his voice

"In about a few days, Cyberlife has been working on it all for a while" I told Gavin

"Well I'm glad that I don't have to wait that long" Gavin said

"What happened to complaints of not wanting me to fuck you in the ass?" I asked him smirking

"Any intimate moment with you will be worth the ass ph-phcking" Gavin stuttered

"I'm glad you think so Gavin" I told him, Gavin pushed his lips against mine and started to kiss me, I kissed him back holding his hips, he moved over into my lap and made the kiss deeper, I grabbed a fistful of his hair and slightly tugged it back making Gavin let out a muffled moan, I kissed him with more passion and he melted into my embrace quickly, I licked his lips and rubbed his hips and back before pulling away

"Y-You... ph-phcking... tease.." Gavin panted out

"I know I am Gavin and you love it, don't you" I told him before putting him back into his own seat, Gavin mumbled to himself, flustered, I smiled and pet his head

"So do you have a new plan?" Gavin asked

"Kinda, the plan is this.." I started

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