Uncorrupting The Message

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Rk900's P.O.V: I got a Detroit taxi back to the DPD and went inside, I saw Gavin at his desk he seemed annoyed and I think I could tell why "Detective Reed" I called out

"Phck, again?! You just won't stop following me, will you?" He said

"I'm sorry for my behaviour back there, I just, I got carried away with carelessness" I told him

"Yeah well phck you" he told me, I sat on his desk next to him and looked at him

"I know that things are getting harder Detective but please know that I need you and I won't stop needing you" I told Gavin, he shook his head and went into the break room, I sighed and sat in his chair before closing my eyes.

I opened my eyes to a virtual world, I walked around and saw Amanda standing at one of the pillars "Good morning Amanda" I greeted

"It's good to see you Conan" she told me "How is the investigation going?" She asked

"It's not going too well, my last predecessor was destroyed and in that a memory of who the killer is was corrupted, I tried to probe that Android's memory but it was distorted and also corrupted, nothing but glitches and gibberish..." I said honestly "But I am determined to complete my mission!" I told her proudly

"And how is your relationship with Detective Reed developing?" She asked

"Not great, he seemed incredibly upset by the destruction of my last predecessor and he even kissed me to see if I'd apparently "Remember him" and he refuses to move on, he hates me Amanda, he hates androids in general and I just want to show him I'm not that bad, I know how to, I just need to get inside of his head but, I just want to ask you something" I explained

"Go ahead" Amanda replied

"Why..Why do I keep getting thoughts about having passionate moments with the Detective?" I asked

"Conan, that is highly ridiculous and would only turn you traitor! Just like it did Connor.. you will stop thinking like that immediately! You will complete your mission and You. Will. Not. Disappoint. Me, do I make myself clear?" Amanda asked

"Yes, you do Amanda, I will solve this case and I will return to Cyberlife right after"

"Good, now get out there and complete your task and if you fail, you will be destroyed."

I opened my eyes and saw Gavin sitting on his desk looking at me "Good morning Tin can, didn't know androids slept" he said

"We don't sleep, I was making a report to Cyberlife" I told Gavin

"About what, ya plastic prick" Gavin spat

"About the mission at hand" I told him

"Am I ever going to hear anything else come from your mouth but your god phcking mission?"

"No because that's the most important thing here." I said coldly, Gavin looked angry and pushed me out of his seat

"So, the phck do we do now?" He asked

"I don't know Detective"

"Wait do you remember exactly what you heard when you probed that Android's memory?" Gavin asked

"Yes Detective" I answered

"So phck around with it! Replay in backwards, slow mo, sped up, move parts of it around, see if there's a secret message left in it!" Gavin said

"That's genius Detective!" I told Gavin

"Yeah, I know" Gavin said, full of himself, I decided to reply the gibberish and mix it around and play it backwards for about 17 minutes until eventually it all pieced together and I could make out a slight message: "We are one in the same, just leave me be, I just want to be free, he lives in me, let me set him free"

"Detective, I think I've figured it out" I told Gavin

"Well shit, what are you waiting for, spit it out" Gavin told me

"The message said: 'We are one in the same, just leave me be, I just want to be free, he lives in me, let me set him free' " I said

"That's weird, androids are free, they murdered their own kind that's the only reason why they've got us on their ass and who the phck is him?" Gavin asked

"I don't know Gavin, but whoever he is, I doubt that the killer would go through so much trouble to free him if he was a problem" I said

"Or maybe they just want to be rid of him" Gavin suggested

"No, the last time I saw something like this, the android involved just shot itself to escape from whatever was inside it" I told him

"Well that's dark" Gavin to bluntly

"But it was the most natural response to something like that at the time, going insane and having your mind snap on you over something you can't see would be horrible" I told Gavin

"I guess so but it just seems horrible to do, we were all given life for a reason and to have it taken like that over something so mind controlly is just, it's horrible to me" Gavin said

"Well Detective, if you need to express your feelings or need help with anything, you have a partner that won't fail you" I told Gavin

"Thanks tin can"

🔓Friends: path unlocked____

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