Sibling Help & Those 3 Words

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RK900's P.O.V: I was sat on Gavin's desk waiting for him, the break room stuff was kinda annoying, I look over to Hank's desk and see Connor sitting on his own waiting for Hank, I get up and walk over to him, he looks at me and waves I just stand next to him

"So how are you liking your new job here Nines?" Connor asks me

"It's okay but we just don't seem to be making any progress on the investigation but even more so, Gavin, he, he kissed me this morning, he said it didn't mean anything and that he just wanted me to remember him but it seemed to show so much feeling like, I wanted more of it" I told him, I looked at him and he was grinning widely

"Well, maybe you should listen to what your heart wants brother, it might just be what you need, what both of you need" Conner told me

"Just forget I said anything" I told him before walking back to Gavin's desk and waiting for him to get back.

Once Gavin sat down he opened the other file "So, yesterday was terrible and your predecessor was destroyed, so I'm thinking that we go to this crime scene and see what we can figure out" Gavin told me

"Yes but I must go to any length to solve the investigation" I told him

"Will you stop yapping on about the phcking investigation!" He yelled at me "Go Wait in the car"

"Yes Detective" I said before going outside and sitting inside, I close my eyes and think about everything that has happened so far, Reed kissed me, Connor wants me to choose irrational instructions, I feel lost, I'm stuck in a paradox that makes no sense, I'm trying to keep to my code but it's so difficult..

My thoughts are interrupted by the car door slamming "You ready tin can?" He asked me and I nodded my head, we drove for a while and I looked at Gavin "You know, when you showed up at my house I felt like I saw a ghost, you were shot dead but then you show up as if nothing happened. It was confusing and scary for me and I just thought maybe you'd remember something if I made physical contact with you, that's why I kissed you, okay? I'm not looking for a relationship with a plastic prick like you" Gavin told me

"Why would you choose a kiss out of everything?" I asked

"Because I had a few drinks and it fucked with my emotions, okay tin can?" He told me, his stress levels raising up

"No, No, you weren't showing any alcohol in your bloodstream, why did you kiss me Detective?" I asked again determined to get the answer out of him


"Oh.." I couldn't think of anything else to say, I know that humans get emotional over loss but this was something I'd never seen before

"I missed you and I wanted to do that ever since you left, because you actually cared about me, you cared when no one else did, it made me experience things for you that I've never experienced before and I just ended up looking at your lips and my vision got blurry before I kissed you, I didn't know what I was doing" Gavin told me

"I see Detective, but I won't tell anyone about what you have told me now" I said

"Thanks tin can.." Gavin sighed, I connected with Connor and told him about how I felt and what was going on with me, Connor had told me to kiss him again to see if I'd feel anything, I was confused but agreed to try.

We pulled over a block away from the crime scene and I looked at Gavin and he looked back at me "What do you want tin can?" He asked
[O Say Nothing]
[X Make Up Excuse]
[🔓Kiss Him]
I grabbed Gavin's shoulders and pulled him close before smashing my lips into his, Gavin moved around and struggled to pull away for a few seconds but eventually he wrapped his arms around me, kissing me back and closing his eyes

It felt so wrong but so... right
Software instability ^____

🔓Lover: path unlocked___

We stayed like that for minutes letting the passion build up and up until eventually Gavin pulled away breathing heavily and I just sat starstruck about what just happened, Gavin blushed and looked at himself in the rear view mirror "What, W-What was that for, y-you plastic a-asshole?.." Gavin panted out

"I just wanted to see if I'd feel anything in that kiss and I did, I felt something, I felt something even if it was wrong! I liked it, I liked it and I want no I Need more of it, I need you Gavin Reed!" I yelled out

"I-I need you too tin can!" Gavin yelled hugging me tightly, 'Am I deviant?' I asked myself while hugging Gavin back 'I don't want to be and fail my mission but...' "I love you Nines" 'This feels so right'

"I love you too Gavin"

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