Midnight Comes

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RK900's P.O.V: I step out of the Detroit taxi and walk up to Gavin's front door, I knock on the door loudly then ring the buzzer for a minute straight but all I could hear was cats hissing and scratching the door, I decide to go around the the side of the house to find Gavin on he floor unconscious, his arms bleeding and blood pouring onto the floor "Detective!" I yell before breaking his window and jumping in.

I land uncomfortably and see 7-8-9 or even more cats walk towards me and hiss at me "Woah, woah, woah guys, it's okay, I'm not an intruder I'm here to save your owner" I told them and they all ran off into the living room

I look over at Gavin and run towards him "Detective! DETECTIVE!!!" I yelled I immediately ran and grabbed the kitchen towels and wrapped them around his arms tightly, I scanned over Gavin's body: Cuts: self inflicted, Heart: beating, conditions: drunk, wounded and stable.

"Detective? Wake up" I said while hitting his face

I slapped him as hard as I could "IT'S ME: NINES!"

"What the phck are you doing here?" He asked me

"I'm here because I needed your help, the investigation has just gotten bigger!" I told him

"Phck you! I'm not helping you!" He yelled

"I'm sorry but you have no choice but I thank you in advance for your cooperation" I said while lifting him up

"Oh leave me and my cats alone Richard! I'm not going anywhere with you!"

"Detective I told you to stop with the stupid jokes, this is not the time" I told Gavin

"Fine but not because you told me to!" He said in a typical tsundere style

I got him into his bathroom and threw him into the tub

"What the phck is this?!" He asked me

"Just a place to stay while I sober you up" I told him trying to turn on his shower but it was broken

"Haha, what you gonna do now tin can?" He asked

I thought about it for a second before picking him up and shoving his head into the sink but that also wasn't working

"There is nothing that you can do Conan, so just leave!" Gavin yelled getting on my nerves

"Well I don't intend on leaving here without you Detective! Now what in your house actually works!?" I asked but he remained silent I looked around and saw it, the toilet, I grabbed him and leaned him over the toilet seat

"No thank you, I don't feel sick" he said politely but I held him there before shoving his head into the toilet and flushing it, he screamed, sobering up finally, I pulled his head out of the toilet and he fell backwards onto the tiled floor "What the phck are you doing here?" He asked me actually knowing what he was talking about this time

"I'm here because there has been more reports of deaths and I need you Detective Reed" I said

"Well you can fucking forget it!" He yelled at me

I stood up and started to walk away before looking at him "Well it probably wasn't worth our time anyway, an android found dead at the gay bar downtown, they're just going to have to solve the crime without us" I said teasing him

"Well maybe it wouldn't hurt to get a little air" Gavin said sitting up, grabbing the toilet seat

"Understood Detective, should I get you some new clothes?" I asked him

"Yeah, yeah, in my closet, my usual wear" he said while leaning over the toilet

I went into Gavin's bedroom to see more cats all looking at me like prey, I opened Gavin's closet and took out his jeans, black-t and red hoodie before walking out of his bedroom and placing his clothes on the bathroom counter "You alright?" I asked

"Yeah, just... just gimme a minute..." he said sounding like he was going to throw up

"Understood Detective Reed" I said before walking out into the hallway and closing the bathroom door
[O Find out more about Gavin]
[X Wait for Gavin]
I looked around Gavin's kitchen, I saw lots of cat food, bowls, tins, milk, alcohol bottles and most importantly the bloodied knife on the table
[O Question]
[X Don't say anything]
"Detective? Why'd you cut yourself?" I asked

"Because I was trying to forget what you did to me today, alright? Now shut the phck up about it!" He answered from the bathroom, I looked at the knife and put it in the sink, so Gavin has suicidal tendencies...

I looked around he rest of the house, nothing important, just photos of him and his cats, many, many, many cats and his cats sitting around me, some wanting attention and others hissing at me

After a few minutes Gavin came out of the bathroom dressed and kinda cleaned up, I smiled at him and he motioned for me to follow him so I did, he opened the front door and pushed me outside following me shortly

"Cyberlife better be paying for the damage you caused!" He yelled at me

"They will Detective, you don't have to worry about that" I told him

"Good, no android's gonna phck up my house and get away with it.." he said under his breath before getting in his car and I walked around to the other side and he opened the door for me, I sat down and opened my mouth about to say something before he cut me off "Don't get the wrong idea tin can, you take too long getting into the car, I had to do something to speed up the process!" Gavin said in his usual  tsundere style.

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