Old Memories

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RK900's P.O.V: We arrived at the gay bar at an unusually fast pace "Excited Detective?" I asked in a teasing manner

"Shut the phck up!" He yelled before getting out of the car and slamming the door.

We walked into the place and met up with the first officer to arrive on scene

"So, when'd you find him?" Gavin asked

"About 35 minutes ago, he was laying in a pool of his own thirium, his thirium pump removed, his *ahem* parts and some of his biocomponents too" the officer told Gavin

"Shit..." Gavin dragged out

"Do we know anything about the android already?" I asked

"No we do not, we just know what he looks like.." the officer replied once again "Well, I'll be on my way, goodnight Detective"

"Good-phcking-night..." Gavin said under his breath before going into the room in front of him "Oh my phcking god.." Gavin said seeing the sight in front of him, the android was really laying in a massive puddle of his own thirium and so many important biocomponents were missing from the android

"The killer really had it out for him, but why? Why are they doing this, why are they toying with us?!" I asked

"Well that's why we're here, we're going to find it out, there will be no more mystery once we do, then you can go back to Cyberlife and I can go back to my cats" Gavin said

"Yeah, okay Detective, we just need to make sure we know everything about these androids and link them if we can... wait a second did you quote me from earlier?" I asked

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't but I doubt it'll be any of your damn business you stupid piece of plastic" Gavin said obviously trying to offend me

"Detective, I am just a machine designed to finish a task, not a live being who gets hurt by simple and stupid words, so stop trying so much, you're not getting anywhere" I said monotonous

"Yeah, Well phck you Conan" Gavin said but I payed little attention to it

I analysed the thirium of the android with Gavin gagging in the background obviously disgusted by how I took samples "look Detective, if you're uncomfortable with how I do my job then just go sit in the car" I told him

I heard Gavin mumble under his breath as he left the room, I finished my analysis, the blood was 3 hours old, I looked around the room to see if I could find any evidence, but there was nothing

I left the room as well feeling determined to piece it all together though, I looked for Gavin and found him leaning against a wall "Detective, I'm failing to find evidence, but I know that we can solve this case! I just need you to help me so please I'm begging you, help me" I said, Gavin looked at me before nodding, I smiled and started to look around the place, it seemed so untouched but I knew that someone had murdered an innocent Android in this place, I was slightly jealous of the way Gavin stopped to stare at the androids occasionally but I had no idea why I was feeling like that, I'm not supposed to feel at all, I'll run a systematic check after the search

"What's this tin can?" Gavin asked from behind me

"What's what?" I asked

"This weird thing" Gavin said, I looked back to see Gavin pointing at a deactivated LED, I remembered seeing the android in the room, he still had his LED, so did the rest of the androids in this place

"Wait, if no one is missing their LED then, what if that's our killer's?" I asked

"Well it's just going to make the investigation easier on us" Gavin said

"No, No it's not, I can't trace this to any kind of android, all I can do is see when it was deactivated, but now the killer looks more human than android so it's going to be even harder on us" I told him before examining the LED: deactivated 1 minute ago "one minute ago" I repeated to Gavin

"Well what if the killer didn't have enough time to escape? I mean there's nowhere he could've really gone in this place in a minute" Gavin said giving me an idea, I walked over to one of the androids and grabbed their hand to probe their memory, they saw the killer removing their LED and running away into another room up the hall "It saw something Detective. It saw the killer" I told Gavin

"Well what are you waiting for? Let's find them" Gavin said in reply

"Follow me!" I told Gavin while running towards the room, Gavin followed close behind.

We stopped in front of the door and Gavin pulled his gun out and aimed it at the door, he opened it and walked inside cautiously only to be thrown the other side of the room by the killer who was hiding, they then turned and ran towards the door knocking me out of he way and I chased it outside, he ran into the ally way and I followed it not wanting to let it get away, I chased it around the layout of the place for a minute still behind it, then I caught up and it seemed Gavin had cut him off but Gavin was thrown into the road by the killer into an oncoming car
[O Save Gavin (survival chance 34%)]
[X Chase killer]
I grabbed Gavin's arm and pulled him back onto the pavement and he immediately grabbed me and squeezed me, he was obviously traumatised, he couldn't stand up by himself and he was shaking, I fell down to the floor holding him and pet his back "It's okay Detective, shhhh.. I'm here" I reassured him, he just squeezed me tighter so we stayed there for a while.

We eventually went back to the car and Gavin drove off back to his house, we both went inside and he sat down holding his head "S-Sorry..." he said

"Why are you apologising Detective?" I asked him confused

"Because, I'm the reason the killer got away, if it wasn't for me you would've caught him and you could've completed your mission, so I'm sorry, just, why didn't you go after them?" He asked

"Well I was designed to work harmoniously with humans and I sensed that you were in danger, I couldn't chase after anything before saving your life Detective Reed" I explained, he looked at me and nodded his head "Can I ask you a question though Detective?" I asked him

"Shoot" Gavin said

"Why did you seem so traumatised after that?"

"Oh.. well, That's a personal question tin can.."

"Do you mind telling me Detective?" I asked

"Yeah, I kinda do Nines..." Gavin told me and I nodded my head "I was hated by my family as a child. One day they took me out for a walk and left me to wonder the streets, and I went to cross the road and a car sped around the corner, then he came and saved me: Elijah Kamski... he took me in and gave me a home." Gavin told me

"I'm so sorry Detective, but it seemed like a happy ending, why did it traumatise you?" I asked

"It was a happy ending until he rose to the top with androids and then I had no more place in his life and it traumatised me because I realised how little I mattered to everyone and how I had just been left tot die by the people who brought me into the world, he car was sure to hit me if HE never saved me.." Gavin told me and he looked over to me "You reminded me of him when you grabbed me and took me back into safety, into the safety of your arms, I just had flashbacks and.. and..." I cut Gavin off by placing my finger on his lips

"I understand Detective, thank you for sharing that with me, you don't have to push yourself any further though, it's okay" I told him before he hugged me again and I placed my hand on his back

"Don't get any funny ideas Nines, I'm just really cold, ok." Gavin told me

"Okay Detective"

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