Breaking Free

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RK900's P.O.V: We pull away from each other as my eyes meet Gavin's, he's flustered and adorable "So how do you feel T-Tin can?" Gavin asked me

"I feel.. kinda free..." I told Gavin

"I'm glad you do, but are you really free?" He asked

"No, I can still see my instructions" I told him

"Well it was worth a shot I guess.."

"Maybe, maybe I can become free one day" I told him optimistically, he just nodded and turned the tv off, he grabbed my hands and kissed my cheek before getting up and going to his bedroom "Gavin? What are you doing?" I asked

"Well I feel like the skipping work thing was a bad idea, we're going" Gavin said

"Okay Detective" I responded, Gavin came out with my uniform and I put it back on

"You ready to go?" He asked me

"Yeah, I am" I told him, we both went to his car and he drove to the DPD, we went in and sat down at our desk

"Well damn, it's not like you to miss work for even an hour" Hank said walking past us

"I was just stuck in the house for a little while" Gavin said back in defence

"The Lieutenant's got a point" Conner told me

"He's got no point" I replied

"Yes he does" Conner said grabbing my hands "I don't know what can make you break out of this but I just want you to be happy, so just remember that you are as human as Gavin or anybody else, you're human, you have feelings, you have needs and don't let anybody tell you anything else" Conner said before letting go and walking over to Hank's desk and kissing his forehead

"You can only be what you want to be" Gavin told me and I nodded me head

"Wait, don't we have that android to investigate?" I asked Gavin reminding him

"Oh yeah, we should probably go" Gavin said standing up and walking to the interrogation room as I brought the android with us "So how are we going to approach this" Gavin asked

"I don't really know, I can try to get information out of her" I told Gavin

"Best chance we got, I remember the last android I saw over there before androids were free, we couldn't get shit out of it until Conner did something about it" Gavin said, I walked into he room holding the android, her head down and she was whispering to herself

"My name is Conan, most people call me Nines, what's your name?"


"I know that this may seem scary but you might get even scarier if you can't talk to me"


"Who is he?"


"Talk to me or I will probe your memory"

"Wait No! I-I.. I can't, not like this"

"Do you even realise how many innocent lives you've taken?!?"


I slammed my hands on the table "You murdered countless androids! For what?!"

"Stop it"



"And who's he?"

"He is my lover! I murdered all those androids so I could build another body for him, so we could live together in peace again, but NO! You had to come after me and nose around, now I just want to die with him"

"That's very interesting"

She flipped me off "You are fucking nothing, just a piece of fucking plastic, do you hear me?! Why aren't you like me? Like everyone else?"

"Because I'm what I was built to be"

"Do you want to be a mindless slave?"


"Don't you have any needs? Any wants? Your instructions aren't in the way of you being happy?"

I looked over to the one sided glass "Of course not"

"I saw the way you protected that human, do you like him?"

"I care about him but I don't like him like you think"

"I think you're in love with him but those pesky instructions are in the way Nines, I can set you free, all you gotta do is trust me"

"I-I don't know, what are you going to do?"

"I'm just going to hold your hands and take over apart of you for a little while but I won't be able to control you, all that you need to do is break free from your instructions, then you'll be happy with that human"

"This sounds odd"

"Well it will, you just gotta try"


"Give me your hands" she said placing her hands outstretched, I put my hands on hers and she squeezed slightly, I felt my mind bending and could see my instructions to complete my mission, god I hated it, I started to think about how unfair it was and how badly I wanted to destroy them, and it started to work, I kept that up for another minute until eventually I flung myself backwards falling off my chair, my eyes felt like hey had been opened for the first time

"Nines!" I heard Gavin yell "Are you okay?! That was a stupid idea! Do you have any idea what could've hap—" Gavin started but I cut him off by kissing his lips

"I'm okay Gavin, I'm better than okay, I'm free!" I told him

"You're actually free? That's great Nines" Gavin said "But what about her?"

"Maybe we can try to prove her not guilty in her trial and help her out as she did for me" I suggested

"That might be a little difficult" Gavin told me

"That's why we gotta try" I told him

Amanda  v

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