Chapter 8

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Once the sandwiches had disappeared from the plates in the great hall, the four hufflepuffs set off to their next lesson. Their timetable was:

Monday: Chamrs with Ravenclaws, History of Magic with Ravenclaws, Potions with Gryffindors

Tuesday: Defence against the dark arts (DADA) with Slytherins, spare, Transfiguration with Gryffindors

Wednesday: Charms with Ravenclaws, Herbology with Slytherins, DADA with Slytherins

Thursday: Potions with Gryffindors, spare, Transfiguration with Gryffindors

Friday: Charms with Ravenclaws, spare, DADA with Slytherins, Astronomy with Ravenclaws

Happy that they had more classes with the Ravenclaws that anyone else, they set off to go to Potions. They had heard from other Hufflepuffs that the Professor (Snape) was an extremely strict teacher, but if they were with the Gryffindors then it would be ok, as it was wildly known that Professor Snape hated all Gryffindors, so he wouldn't pick on them too much.

They arrived at the door just as the professor arrived and told them to enter and sit down. They paired up, two to a caludren and two cauldrons to a table. Hazel sat with Gus, and Peeta sat with Tobias opposite them. The dark, scary professor looked down at them from the front of the classroom and gave them a lecture on the importance of potions, and how it was a skill many people didn't have. Hazel knew that Peeta had been looking forwards to this lesson as it was the closest thing to baking at this school.

After Professor Snape had asked some random people some questions, they got started on their potions, the first one they ever made being a cure for boils. Boring. Hazel added the powdered asphodel to her cauldron and let it simmer for a minute. Across her, she could see Peeta dipping a ladel into his potion and putting some into a glass vial. He got up to go to the front of the class, with Tobias trailing after him.

"I've- I mean, sorry we've finished professor" He said. The teacher looked down at the potion, gave it a sniff and tried to find something wrong with it. Scowling at not being able to, he gave a jerk of his head and told them to sit back down. Suddenly Gus leaned over their potion.

"Hazel!" He shouted. He looked a little bit annoyed at her, and she suddenly realised why he was. She had forgotten to take the cauldron off the heat after 30 seconds because she'd been watching Peeta and Tobias instead. "It looks like brown tar now! And it smells like..." Not wanting to smell it anymore, they backed away from their desks. At this point, Snape walked over to their cauldron.

"What have you done here?" He asked curtly. He vanished the mess and wrote a 0 next to their names. Hazel looked annoyed, sure it had gone wrong, but he had known that they were doing ok at the beginning. "5 points from hufflepuff for this mess" He said. Hazel was fuming! A gryffindor from across the room met her eyes and he looked sympathetic. She decided to go over to their cauldron to help them for the last 20 minutes.

"Hey!" He said cheerily. "I'm Percy Jackson and this is Tris Prior. Across the table is Harry Potter and Katniss Everdeen." He explained. She smiled at them and introduced herself and the other 3 hufflepuffs she had sat with. Peeta went over to help Katniss and Harry with Tobias, while she and Gus stayed and helped the other 2. The gryffindors seemed to be very nice people and fun to be with. It seemed that Hazel had 11 friends already here! They agreed to sit with each other in their next lesson together (Transfiguration, tomorrow afternoon).

As the class were dismissed, they said goodbye and went to their seperate common rooms.

A/N Hi guys! Thank you all so much for getting me to 700 reads in just 3 and a half days! I break up from school tomorrow, so I will be able to post more that this week during the holidays, but that does mean that some days I may be completely out of the house and unable to write 1 chapter. I'll try to make it up by doing 2 the next day! Also, I would love any comments you have about this book you have. What did you think about the sorting? Thanks as ever for reading, and please like/vote whatever u want to call it! Till next time ;)

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