The wedding

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(A/n: I know Cal is technically Pipers younger brother but let's just say he's ten years older than her)

Pipers POV

"My god mom!" I yelp slightly as my mother pulls me out of the car. Cal and Neri are getting married and I'm Neri's maid of honor. Of course in normal Chapman fashion we're about..a minute late to the pre-wedding prepping session. "Neri! You look beautiful!" I smile as I hug her, all of the bridesmaids wearing matching pastel pink dresses. "Thank you! Okay let me introduce you to everyone..everyone, this is Piper Chapman my maid of honor" She says and my eyes fall on a beautiful raven haired girl, her sparkling green eyes, peaking behind secretary glasses, are framed by black eyeliner as the pastel pink dress hugs her curves. Her rosy cheeks contrast her pale skin and her pink lips tug into a smile, her hand outstretched to meet me. "Hi, I'm Alex Vause. Neris friend's daughter" She laughs, her raspy voice making my knees weak. My cheeks blush as I shake her hand, sparks suddenly fly through my body and I smile. "P-Piper Chapman" I stutter out. "Okay ladies" The wedding planner says as the groomsmen come into view. "Pair up with a groomsmen, they're two short so two of you have to walk down the isle together" The planner continues. I feel someone walk up besides me and place their hand on my shoulder, I turn around and see Alex. "So do you wanna walk down the isle together instead of some random pre-pubescent groomsman?" she says and I blush, nodding my head as we both smile. "So Chapman, since we're going to be stuck at this wedding for god knows how long, what's your favorite book?" she says and I smile at her, "Love Warrior, You?" I ask, admiring the way her raven hair frames her gorgeous face. "Oh my gosh same!" she smiles. We continue talking and I figure out we have a lot in common, we both love animals, we're both 16, and we both hate raw tomatoes.

We're talking about how we both like our coffee the same way when a guy comes up to us. He looks about two years younger than us and has his hair combed to the side. "H-hey" He said, his voice slightly cracking. "Hi" I say warmly, Alex looking at him up and down. "I-I'm Larry of the groomsmen" He says and extends his hand out to me. I shake it quickly and cringe a bit to find it cold and clammy. "I'm Piper Chapman, the maid of honor" I say and he nods, blushing for the quick second I held his hand. "I u-uh was wondering if you'd l-like to walk down the isle with m-me" he squeaks out, his forehead gleaming with sweat. I feel Alex's arm wrap around my waist and I blush profusely, "Sorry bud but actually I'm Pipers date for the wedding" she says confidently and I feel my knees go weak, my stomach filling with butterflies. "O-oh..o-okay" he stutters and shuffled away awkwardly. I look at Alex and break out in laugher, leaning into the arm of the slightly taller woman. "You called me your date, that's a bold move Vause" I whisper, my voice a bit deeper than usual. She blushes and looks at me, "Well Piper Chapman, will you be my date to the wedding that we're already attending?" she asks and I nod my head, giggling like a child. "I would love to."

The music starts and it's our cue to walk down the isles before the bride. I smile up at Alex as she intertwines our hands gently, her arm linking through mine as the big doors open. We're the first people to walk down making me a bit nervous but Alex squeezes my hand, reassuring me everything is going to be okay. We walk down the isle hand and hand as everyone's eyes are on both the groomsmen and the bridesmaids. I smile as Alex runs her thumb over my knuckles, walking to the side of the alter where Neri will be standing. We both hesitantly let go of each others hands, smiling at each other.

Neri walks down the isle and gets into her place, starting the ceremony. I love Cal and Neri but man I was starting to get bored. Alex and I occasionally sneak glances at each other and smile softly each time we make eye contact. About halfway through the ceremony I feel Alex's hand on the small of my back, making butterflies erupt in my stomach again as I lean into her hand. Her hand slowly moves down and brushes up against mine, making me grab her hand gently and intertwining them together. "Let's sneak out of here after the reception, we won't go far, just go away from everyone" she whispers into my ear and I nod my head, blushing as I whisper, "Okay"

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