Peoples Magazine

876 13 1

Taylor's POV

I wake up slowly in Lauras arms, trying to remember the events that happened yesterday. Oh yeah, the entire cast had a party yesterday, that was so much fun, just dancing and drinkin-


My phone going off pulls me out of my thoughts. I slowly turn over and reach for my phone, careful not to wake Laura up. I nuzzle back into her chest as I open my phone, seeing my stage on Instagram blowing up and the Orange group chat also going crazy. I click on one of my most recent tags and my mouth practically drops to the floor as I read the post. Its a picture of the front cover of the most recent addition of the Peoples Magazine. "Its Over! Orange is the New Black star, Laura Prepon, ends two year marriage with husband Ben Foster." I whisper as I look up at Laura, before looking back at my phone, then back at Laura. "Holy shit.." I whisper, sitting up and reading the article.

Orange is the New Black star Laura Prepon ends her two year marriage with Ben Foster. Prepon states in an interview released yesterday that shes decided to leave Foster because she "wasn't happy with him anymore." When asked why she simply stated, "I found love somewhere else and I realized he wasn't the right one for me. Ben is still an amazing man and always will be but my heart wants someone else, you know? My heart wanted this someone even before my marriage with Ben but back then I was too blind to realize it...I was also scared to accept it but now I realize I can't deny who I am." Prepon now leaves us all in a scramble, questioning: Who is this new lover?

As I read the article Laura stirs and I feel her soft lips kiss my temple, her hugging me tighter. "Mm, whatcha reading Tay?" She asks, her face burying into my neck as I blush at the contact. " have an article in the Peoples magazine because of your interview yesterday." I say and she chuckles lightly, pulling me into her lap and kissing me softly. I kiss her back but pull away, wanting some answers. "I know this all originally started as a friends with benefits thing but early on I knew I wanted more. I wanted you to be mine Tay. I wanted to wake up next to you everyday and hold you when you're sad and smile when you smile. I wanted to be your person, but I guess my fear got in the way of my heart. We stopped for a while since I got married to Ben and ever since then I've buried my feelings. But since we started back up lately those feelings re surfaced and I realized how much I missed your touch..your lips..your everything..What I'm trying to say Tay, is that I love you. I know, I know. You don't have to love me back, I just needed to get it off my chest." She spills and I gently cup her cheeks as it ends, my lips ceasing into hers as I kiss her with passion and love. I pull back gently and smile, hugging her tightly and whispering, "I have always loved you Laura..since day one on set in the shower to now." I giggle as she looks at me with pure love and happiness. "Come on, lets go explore New York together." She smiles and I nod my head, kissing her softly before I get out of bed.

-a week later-

Laura and I are cuddled up on her couch as she's flipping through the newest issue of the People's magazine. "Once again, we're in People's." She says and I look up at her from my book, leaning my head back on her shoulder. "What? What do you mean?" I ask and she shows me the page filled with Laura and I. There's pictures of the both of us recently exploring New York together but there's one that catches my eye near the paragraph of text. It's one of Laura's arms wrapped around me as we waited for a taxi, we kiss each other and that's when the paparazzi caught the moment. The page is filled with us doing small gestures to each other, for example one holding the other close or kissing each other in public. I smile softly at a picture in the upper corner that the paparazzi caught, Laura and I decided to have a picnic in central park. Unaware of paparazzi lurking around my body rested on Laura's and my face nuzzled into her shoulder, our hands intertwining as photographers snapped away from a distance. "New lover? Orange is the New Black stars Taylor Schilling and Laura Prepon are seen getting cuddly around New York." The title says as Laura holds my hand, reading the article with me.

Orange is the New Black stars, Taylor Schilling and Laura Prepon, are seen getting cuddly in New York. Did the on-screen love leak offscreen? Everyone is wondering as Schilling and Prepon are spotted all around New York cuddling and kissing one another. Even though it is not confirmed, there's enough evidence to prove that Schilling is Prepons new, or should we say old, lover? Fans rumor that the two had a romance before Prepons most recent marriage, saying their chemistry was something more than friendship. Either way, it's adorable seeing these two cuddle up to each other, just like Piper and Alex.

There's still another section of text but she closes the magazine, opening up her phone and typing something. She opens her camera and tells me to smile, I do so and lean on her shoulder, her arm wrapping around my waist as she snaps the photo. A few minutes of typing away later a notification pops up on my phone.

@lauraprepon mentioned you in a post

I open up my phone and immediately smile as I see the post.

attachment: five images, three videos

*Taylor and Laura sitting next to each other on set, Laura's arm wrapped around Taylor's shoulder as Tay leans on Laur.*

*On their cast vacation, Laura and Taylor kiss on the sand as the sun sets*

*Tay and Laura on set, both of them leaning on each other as they talk to the rest of the cast*

*Tay and Laura at a after awards ceremony, their hands all over each other as they dance the night away*

*Taylor and Laura still in their prison uniforms as they sit up against the gate, Laura sitting in between Taylor's legs as she looks up at the blonde with a smile on her face*

*A video of Tay laying on Laura's chest on set, taking a nap as Laura kisses Tays forehead*

*The both of them running down a hotel hallway together, Laura catching up with Taylor as she picks her up and spins her around, kissing her deeply*

*Taylors holding the phone as she's laying down on her set room couch, Laura slowly coming down and kissing Taylor softly, her dark brown hair cascading down her face*

@lauraprepon- I love you. @tayjschilling

I immediately like the post and type something on the keyboard.

@tayjschilling- I love you Laur. ❤️

I send the comment and close my phone, looking at Laura. "I can't believe you changed your entire life for me." I whisper and she shakes her head, leaning in and kissing me gently. "I didn't change anything Tay, you are my life." She hums and I blush, curling up into her more as I smile.

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