Its Okay

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(Play the sing whenever)

Alex's POV

I get knocked down to my knees as the bag over my head gets ripped off. I was just sleeping in my prison bunk when the next thing I know two of Kubras men kidnapped me, and this time Lolly wasn't there to save me. I feel the cloth tighten around my mouth as my head gets pulled back by my hair, making me face a menacing looking Kubra. "I saw your video Vause. Of your shoulder getting snapped. The last time I checked Aydin killed you. Guess not." He chuckles and I narrow my eyes at him. I've learned to never look weak or scared in front of Kubra, no matter if you are or not. He chuckles at my tough act and snaps his fingers, another one of his men holding a figure, knocking them down to their knees. Kubra laughs as he motions something to his men, making them pull the bag off of the figures head. Piper. My eyes widen as my heart drops to the center of the earth, oh god. Her head is trying to stay up but it's bobbing around limply, her face full of cuts and bruises. "Alex.." She whispers out faintly and Kubra slaps her hard across the face. I jerk up and yell, my scream muffled through the cloth in my mouth. "I didn't say you could talk." He hisses, his words laced with venom as Piper whimpers. I feel one of his men push me forward and he takes the cloth out of my mouth. "Please Kubra please, you can do anything you want with me just please let Piper go." I beg, tears starting to well in my eyes. Kubra nods over to the man that's holding Piper and he tosses her onto the floor in front of me. "I heard you two got married, that's sweet. Blondes you're little Mrs now? You can touch her." He says and I immediately scoop up my wife in my arms, holding her close as I kiss her temple. She weakly hugs me as it looks like she's in her clothes for visitation day, a yellow sweater and a white blouse accompanied by denim jeans that are all now dirtied up. "Pipes, I've got you baby." I whisper as I hug her back, her head nuzzling into my chest. "Al..Alex..Alex I love you so much." She whispers and I hug her tighter, my hands now shaking, "I love you too Pipes, I'm so sorry." I whisper and Kubra chuckles walking over to the both of us with a loaded gun. I pull Piper closer to me protectively as she grips onto my prison uniform, Kubra starting to speak again. "At first, when I found out you were still alive Alex..I considered just killing you." He states and Piper whimpers softly, flinching at the statement. "But..that would've been to easy, and no" He smiles wickedly, a gunshot going off and my ears ringing. "I decided that it would be worse to see your wife die instead." He says and Piper goes limp in my arms, my heart stopping. "Pipes..Piper, No, NO!" I yell as I try and press on the wound in her stomach, blood covering my hands and wedding ring. "Alex.." She whispers out weakly, wincing in pain as she collapses in my arms. "It's're gonna be okay baby..please don't leave me..please Piper I need you!" I plead as tears fall down my face. She gently cups my cheek as tears fall down her face, her other hand holding mine. "Please don't die Pipes, I need you here. With me. Please." I beg, the blood pooling underneath her. Her thumb gently wipes away my tears as she smiles gently, "It's okay, I know someday I'm gonna be with you." She whispers, leaning in to kiss me softly, putting all of her love and emotion into it. We kiss each other like it's our last because we both know it is. She pulls back and smiles at me weakly, tears now freely streaming down my face as her entire body gives in. Her head falls to the side and her eyes close, Pipers body falling out of my arms and onto the floor. I sob as my body shakes, my hands clawing and grabbing at Pipers blood stained shirt as my heart breaks. It feels like my chest is being crushed under a car as I cry, gasping for air as I try and wake up my wife, shaking her body as I plead for her life back. I look up at Kubra, my body suddenly filling with rage as he looks at me. "Awe poor Alex, I guess she'll have to find another blonde to marry." He chuckles and kicks Pipers dead body, I grab him and punch him square in the jaw, all of my anger for him killing the love of my life being put into it. He stumbles back a bit and pulls out his gun, putting it to my heart. I grab his arm and press the cold barrel closer, tears streaming down my face. "Do it! Do it you fucking bitch!" I hiss, pain and venom dripping from each word. "Stop it Alex." He hisses and I groan in frustration. "Fine." I whisper, stepping back. I take a deep breath in as I lunge at him and press the barrel up against my chest once more, grabbing his hand as I make him pull the trigger. The pain doesn't even register as the adrenaline pumps through my body. I stumble back and look at the growing red spot on my shirt, my knees buckling as I fall to the floor. The pain starts to shoot through my body as my vision gets blurry, hot blood pouring out of my wound and onto the floor. "Shit." Kubra mumbles as my vision gets blurry. I turn to Piper and see a weak flutter of her eyes, my hand slowly extending to hold hers. I hold hers as tight as I can as I see the light blur my vision. Right before I go unconscious I feel a weak squeeze from my wife's hand, signaling that it's going to be okay after all.


I wake up in a haze, a bright light clouding my vision as I see a familiar figure reach its hand out to me. "Mom?" I whisper, my eyes squinting as I hold their hand. I get pulled off of the floor and I see my mother, looking the exact same as I last saw her, a somber smile on her face. "Alex..I never thought you'd be here so early.." She says and I nod my head slowly, looking around confused. "Come, theres someone here I think you'd want to meet." She says and I nod, leading me across the room made up of white marble and tile. I follow my mom and as soon as we turn a corner a familiar  pair of blue eyes lock into mine. "Al.." she whispers, walking over to me. "Pipes.." I say in shock, immediately engulfing my wife in a hug. "What are you doing here? Did Kubra kill you? Alex you're not supposed to be here" She says and hugs me tighter. I pull away from her gently and explain the entire situation. "After you died I got so mad I pressed the barrel up against my chest and made him shoot me after he refused." I say and she looks at me, cupping my cheeks softly. "What happened to you after you died? When did you get here?" I question and she leads me to a couch. "Once we kissed I felt my body give up and hit the floor, I couldn't understand or comprehend anything because of the pain. Suddenly I heard another gunshot go off and you fell down next to me. I then faintly remember you holding my hand and looking me in the eyes, I used the last of my strength to squeeze your hand before the light consumed me and plopped me here." She says and I nod my head, engulfing her in another hug as tears run down my cheeks. "What did I say, it's okay Al..I'm with you now and I'm never leaving you again." She whispers and kisses me softly, relived that I have my wife back in my arms again.

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