Litchfield's Got Talent

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Alex's POV

Piper and I are heading over to Spanish Harlem, trying to find Big Boo and Linda. Piper is leading a bit as we hold hands, walking into the dorms. We come to a stop as we stop in front of all the inmates, flashlights pointed at us. "Wha-..Heyyy, sorry we'll go." Piper says and starts to leave with me but Angie stops us. "No wait! I've got an idea.." Angie chuckles as she leans over to Big Boo. She whispers something into her ear and I cross my arms, leaning my weight to one side as Piper steps in besides me. "Aha! Okay okay..This is for y'all lesbian ladies in the crowd tonight!" Boo says as she gets up with her makeshift microphone. "Ladies..the judges here have requested a strip tease from the both of you..just so that we can have a diverse array of talents shown tonight." Boo says to us and my mouth hangs open, Pipers eyes widening in shock. My arm wraps around Piper protectively and I chuckle, "No way. Pipers mine Boo." I growl lowly and Boo chuckles, shaking her head. Angie holds up her gun, making us flinch. "Blondie can dance, Stretch can just watch. But one of yous have to." Angie smirks and I feel Piper kiss my cheek. "Let's do it Al..It'll be like when you convinced me to go on the drug thing with you." She whispers and I chuckle, nodding my head as she smiles gently. "Okay okay, but just put the gun down." I say and Big Boo pulls up a chair for me. I chuckle and Piper lets her hair down. I continue standing in front of the chair and the music starts. It feels like I get transported back ten years ago, Piper folding clothes as I read on our bed...this time its Earned it by the Weekend is playing. She looks at me and bites her lip, slowly rocking her ass back and forth. Slowly she takes off her shirt, my cheeks heating up as she plays with her hair a bit. Piper drops her shirt onto the floor and I hear whistles of approval from other inmates. Her body rolls and she takes off her pants slowly, dropping her ass down and taking off her pants fully. She mouths the lyrics seductively, biting her lip as she runs her hands through her hair, her hands going above her head as she sows off her perfect body. She slowly walks over to me and puts her hands on my front, slowly moving up as our bodies move together. She sees how flustered I'm getting as she touches me, her hands easily being felt from under the thin ass tank top I'm wearing. She pushes me back onto my chair and I lean back, her hands playing with my tank top as she slowly takes it off of my body. I know everyone's eyes are on Piper but right now I don't care. Look at her. That's my god damned sexy ass girlfriend! I bite my lip as she turns and drops her ass onto my front, heat rushing to my core as she looks back at me with an innocent pout. Slowly grinding on me I place my hands on her waist as I mouth the lyrics seductively.

"'Cause girl, you're perfect
You're always worth it
And you deserve it
The way you work it
'Cause girl, you earned it"

She chuckles and drops down, her hands now on my thighs as she leans in and kisses me, the song ending. The song ends and everyone cheers as I kiss Piper deeply. "Holy damn babe." I whisper and she chuckles lightly, standing up. "Whew..that was something..Vause you wanna try?" Big boo says and I pull on my tank top, giving her a look before standing up and walking over to the speakers. I type in a few words and chuckle as a slowed down version of Wassabi comes on through the speaker. "Stick like toffee, sip like coffee, Wake up, change your mind and drop me..Love to hate me, crazy, shady, Spit me out like hot wasabi." Pipers mouth drops as she hears the words. I walk over to the center, slowly dropping to each word. "Lick me up, I'm sweet and salty..Mix it up and down my body..Love to hate me, praise me, shame me..Either way you talk about me." I mouth and wink at Piper, my hands running down my body and going down to my inner thighs. When the last part of it comes I stand up and slowly pull up my shirt, continuing to mouth the words. "I love the way talk about me." I smirk as I roll my body a bit with the oh's. "Look at how far it got me." I run my hands through my hair as I continue to pull up my shirt. "The shit the papers write about me, (Oh-oh) I fold it up like origami.." I smirk as I see Pipers red blush, dropping my shirt down to the floor. As the next lines come I take off my glasses and chuckle as I toss them to a very horny Piper.

"Like, "She ain't wearing no clothes"
(Oh-oh) "When she goin' solo?"
(Oh-oh) "I bet they gonna break up"
(Oh-oh) But what the hell do you know?"

I drop down and arch my back a bit, looking at Piper as I flip my hair.

"Ooh, baby, you (yes, you)
I can feel you hatin' on me
Ooh, baby, you (yeah, you)
I'm glad to be your inspiration
Who, baby, whose (guess who?)
The topic of your conversation?
I am (I am)"

I slowly bounce and stand up, my ass on full view for everyone to see but mostly for Piper. I bite my lip as I point at Piper and motion her to come towards me. A few inmates push the chair, with Piper in it I may add, closer to me. I lean in close to her and put my hands on her chest, mouthing the words huskily. "All the ugly things you say..come and say it to my face." I smirk and kiss her gently before getting up and taking off my pants. I slowly strut around Pipers chair and my hand trails along her bare shoulders, walking over to one of the walls and dropping down slowly. My body moves to the beat, keeping eye contact with Piper the entire time. I slowly get up and walk over to Piper and grab her hands, pulling her up as she rolls her body a bit. My hands go up a bit and she drops down, our bodies in perfect sync as she goes down and bites her lip. She slowly stands up and puts her hands up, this time I drop down and bite my lip.

The song ends and we kiss deeply, the entire dorm erupting in cheers and applause. "Jesus fucking christ you two! I need to take a cold shower." Nicky chuckles, coming out of the crowd with Lorna right behind her. Big Boo stands up and fans herself, "Whew..Chapman was hot..then Vause..then both! God damn..okay okay.." Boo says and we laugh softly, my hand wrapping around Pipers waist as our cheeks flush. "There you have it folks, Litchfields finest lesbos!" Boo says and another round of applauses erupts. We smile and grab some of our clothes, before Piper gets handed the mic, "Thank you thank you..if you need us we will be.." She starts to say and I laugh, "We will be in the supply closet fucking. Thanks!" I smile and Piper blushes as I pull her out of Spanish Harlem and into the nearest supply closet.

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