Drug Run

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Pipers POV

"I can't believe I'm doing this, I can't believe Im fucking doing this..again." I whisper as I get off my plane. I just flew to Istanbul to do another drug run for Alex. She promised me I wouldn't do this again and this time she isn't even here..but of course it's Alex. I had to do it...If not she would've been in serious trouble with Kubra. I go to luggage claim and wait up against a far wall, looking for the suitcase. My fingertips play with the hem of my disguise as my heart rate speeds up, seeing out of the corner of my eye drug sniffing dogs. Shit. I see my suitcase and make a leisurely stroll to it, picking it up. I feel my palms start to sweat as I start to walk away with the suitcase, there's millions of dollars worth of drugs in here and Kubra would kill me if I didn't deliver it successfully. Suddenly the dog starts to bark like a mad man and the airport security stops me. "Hey miss! Stop!" The man yells as I stop dead in my tracks. He grabs my arm and lets the dog sniff the suitcase once more, the high pitched bark echoing through the airport. "Come with me m'am." He says and drags me away. My heart is practically out of my chest as he flings the suitcase onto a cold metal table in the back. He opens it and I say my last goodbyes to Alex and my free will as he sees the stacks and stacks of drugs. Immediately my hands get seized behind my back roughly and I get handcuffed, tears now flowing down my cheeks as he pushes me onto that chair, calling law enforcement.

I roughly get stood up and walked out to a police car, being shoved into the back as I sob.

Alex's POV

I'm typing away anxiously on my laptop as my knee bounces up and down. I already flew back to the states after I sent Piper out on a drug run. She supposed to be back by now. My phone rings and I jump up, grabbing my phone quickly and looking at the caller ID..no caller ID, of course. I pick it up and sit on my bed, "Hello?" I say timidly, my knee bouncing up and down once again. "Vause she's been arrested." Kubra says through the phone and I freeze, "Who?" I say, scared of his answer. "Blondie. Your drug mule got arrested in Istanbul, she's being flown back to the states for her sentence." He says and my heart drops to the floor. "Piper?! No. no no no no. For her sentence?! She already got a trial?!" I yell, my hands starting to shake as tears flow down my cheeks. I stand up and pace the length of the room, "Yes Vause she already had her trail..the surprising thing is she didn't say shit. Nothing about you or the business. She has five years maybe even six." He says and I can barely form out words. "K-kubra where's she being held at?" I ask and he gives me a name. Litchfield Penitentiary. I thank him and hang up, throwing my phone across my room as I sob. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.


I'm sitting down in the visitation room as I nervously play with my hands, my knee shaking up and down in anticipation. My familiar blonde comes through the door in a khaki prison uniform, her eyes dull and teary. "Pipes.." I whisper as I stand up. She walks over to me and to my surprise she hugs me, my arms immediately wrapping around her small figure. "Al.." She whispers shakily as she cries, hugging me tighter. She gently kisses me softly and my heart breaks for her as I kiss her back. We slowly pull away and sit down, immediately grabbing each other's hand. "Pipes..Im so sorry.." I whisper and she shakes her head. "I can't..I don't want to talk about that today..how was Paris?" she asks, forcing a smile on her face. "Horrible." I chuckle and gently kiss her hand. "Have you got another drug mule?" Piper asks and I shake my head. "No Pipes..you aren't a fucking drug mule. You're my girlfriend..who I took advantage of. Pipes I'm so sorry, I never wanted to drag you into any of this. I was selfish and I'm so sorry." I say as I feel tears run down my face. She leans over and gently wipes them away with her thumbs, placing a small kiss on my cheek. "No Al. When I started dating you I knew exactly what I signed up for..I dont care that I took that chance..that risk. I was..am..willing to do anything for you, because I love you Alex." She says, making me feel even worse for making her go on the drug run because she dosent hate my guts. I sigh and hold her hand tighter, looking at the innocent Piper I know. "How's prison treating you?" I ask, my thumbs running over her knuckles. "Good..well good for a prison I guess. I have a family and a few friends so yeah." She says, and then a CO announces visitation hours are over. We both sigh and get up, Piper hugging me tightly as I whisper. "I promise..I'll get you out of here.." I whisper and she nods her head, kissing me deeply. We kiss like it's our last before she pulls away gently and smiles. "I love you Pipes." I whisper as I slowly let go of her. "I love you too Al..so much." She whispers as the COs make her walk back into the prison.


I sigh as I walk into the prison, everyone associated with Kubra got arrested..well everyone accept for the man himself. I have about six years since I was kind of high up in his business but not high enough to get 10+ years like Fahri did. I'm currently clutching my items as me and a few other girls walk down the hallway in orange jumpsuits, being lead by Morello. "Hey you're Alex Vause right?" Morellos says after she drops all the girls off but me. "Yeah.." I say, unsure of why she's asking. "Oooo, okay okay I need to go get someone you stay here." She says, dropping me off in the processing room. I sit on my bunk and sigh, putting my stuff down as I run my hand through my hair. It's not my first time in prison, the first time I was only here a few months because some dumb fuck mishandled my case evidence and I was set free. As I'm lost in thought Morello comes back in, a wide smile on her face. I peak out of my bunk to look at her, a few seconds later Piper comes into the room. "Morello what's so important that you have to drag me out of elect-" Piper starts to say but then stops in her tracks. "Al.." She whispers and I stand up before she runs into my arms. I hug her tightly and so does she, her face burying into my neck. "Pipes.." I whisper and I thank Morello. Never breaking from eachothers grip we sit down on the processing bunk. "What are you doing here? How? I thought you were safe Alex I-" she starts to ramble but I cut her off with a kiss. "Everyone associated with Kubra got arrested..except Kubra. I only got six years while others got 10+ to life." I explain and she nods, hugging me tightly. "Promise me you'll never leave me again.." She whispers and my heart breaks a bit as I nod my head, holding her tighter. "I promise Pipes.." I reassure her.


Destiny smiles, satisfied that her children are together once again..even if it's in prison.

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