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Pipers POV

I'm sitting with Nicky and Lorna in my bedroom, waiting for the clock to strike midnight. Tomorrow is June 7th, the day everyone in Litchfield gets their soulmates name. Every city in New York has a designated date and it goes on all year long around the world, each day a few new cities get their soulmates name. You have to register for your name and if you miss the date you have to wait until next year. This year our entire grade signed up together, that's the tradition at Litchfield High School and it happens each year with each graduating class. "I'm so excited, I hope it's a Vince or a Christopher" Lorna says in her accent, sitting next to Nicky. "Hey is Vause coming?" Nicky says and I shrug, "She said she's on her way but it's almost midnight" I say and sit down on my bed. I check the time, 11:58 pm. I sigh and mumble, "I really wanted her to come.." Alex is my best friend, she's been there for me ever since kindergarten when I put gum in Jessica Wedges hair when she bullied Alex. Ever since we've first met I've wanted Alex..I want her to be more than just my friend but she's with Sylvie..she's been with Sylvie for the past two years now and Sylvie is obsessed with her. She's toxic honestly, she makes her cut off all of her girl friends, if Alex is spending time with me or time away from her it's "time wasted." She always gets so mad when I come over after school to hang out with my best friend. She even went as far as threatening to hurt me if I kept on hanging out with Alex in general and at our treehouse in the woods. She says that it's their "Special Spot" Even though Alex and I built it together and we even carved our names on the wood in the treehouse.

Alex and I are both turning 18 soon and ever since we were 14 I knew my feelings towards her were more than just a friendship. "She's probably with Sylvie" I huff out, my hands running through my hair as I look at the time again, 11:59. "You ready Chapman?" Nicky asks and I nod my head, putting on a strained smile as a polaroid of Alex and I at the carnival last summer catches my eye. Suddenly I feel a burning sensation on my collarbone, making me hiss. "Fuck.." I hiss out, looking over to Nicky and Lorna. They both seem normal and I grab their attention, "Do you guys have yours yet?" I ask as it feels like letters are burning into my collarbone. "It says Nick? What?" Lorna says, looking at the name on her wrist. Nicky pulls up her shirt a bit, showing a name on her hipbone. "Holy shit, Chapman what you'd get?" Nicky asks as I walk over to the mirror in my room, the burning simmering down into a low hum. I pull my shirt down a bit and my eyes widen at the sight.

Alex V.

"Holy shit.." I whisper, the glowing letters peaking out from my shirt. Nicky looks at me confused at why I'm so shocked. "Piper?" she asks and I spin on my heels to look at her, putting on a hoodie quickly. "Yeah?" I ask and she smirks softly, "Chapman..why are you hiding your name?" she says, trying to grab my hoodie collar. "No it's nothing, what did you get Nicky?" I ask, "I got a L. Muccio..probably some italian chick. Now show me who you've got" she says and starts to tickle me when I don't comply. I laugh as I fall onto the bed, Lorna and Nicky pinning me down as she grabs my hoodie collar and pulls it down. "Holy shit Chapman!" She says and I push them off of me gently. "Guys please don't tell Alex..I don't want her relationship with Sylvie to go bad because of me" I say, trying to be convincing that I'm upset about it. "Okay we won't Chapman but I have a feeling she got your name" Nicky says and Lorna pipes in, "Ive seen the way you two look at each other, she really loves you kid" she says and I shake my head, sitting down on my bed with my hands tangled in my hair. Suddenly there's a knock at the door and I get up to answer it. I open the door slowly and see a gorgeous Alex Vause standing there, a heart stopping smile on her face, her cheeks and nose red from the cold. "Alex!" I smile, shifting my hoodie so that my collarbones are covered. I look at her black pants and at the knee they're all ripped up, her knee bleeding, "Al what did you do?!" I say, bringing her inside as she sets her skateboard down outside. "I fell when I found out my soulmates name but nevermind that, Pipes let me see your soulmate name" she says and I shake my head, looking down. "Was it Sylvie?" I ask and she chuckles before hissing softly. I look at her confused before a strong burning sensation comes from the letters on my collarbone. "Fuck!" she hisses, holding her side. I groan in pain as I hold my collarbone, warm radiating heat coming from it. She looks at me and takes some steps closer, each step she takes makes the heat on my collarbones grow more and more. There's something glowing on the left side of her, under her black hoodie. She grabs the hem of my hoodie and pulls it down gently, showing her name glowing on my chest. "Alex I'm so sor-" I start to say but she bends down, kissing the letters softly and making the heat and burning immediately go away. She trails kisses up my collarbones and onto my neck before gently pressing her lips to mine, sparks flying as she kisses me. I cup her cheeks and kiss her deeper, her body pressing up against me. "Al what about Sylvie?" I ask, pulling away from her kiss. She starts to pull up her hoodie and I look at her with wide eyes, "That's a bold move Al" I say and she chuckles, shaking her head. "No dummy, look" she whispers showing me the glowing letters on her rib cage.

Piper C.

I smile as I look at her and cup her cheek, my fingertips running over the letters on her side. She pushes me up against the walls as her hand is by my head, her other hand on my waist as she kisses me deeply. "Chapman who was at the do-..I told you! You owe me five dollars Lorna" Nicky says but Alex and I don't care, my hands coming up and lacing into her raven black hair as she kisses me deeper. "I've been waiting a long ass time to kiss you Pipes" She whispers as I look at her, her emerald eyes sparkling as she looks into mine. "Shut up and kiss me Al" I whisper as she kisses me deeply again, tugging at my bottom lip. I smile and pull away, remembering her scraped knee. "As much as I would love to kiss you all night we need to get your knee cleaned up Al" I say, bringing her skateboard inside and walking her over to my bathroom. I sit her down on the sink as Lorna and Nicky make their way to the guest bedroom, all of them deciding that we should all go to school tomorrow together to save time and honestly we were all so lazy to go home. She sits on the counter and I look at her with the first aid kit in my hand, "i-uh Al y-you needa take your pants off so I can clean your scrape." I say blushing as she takes off her black skinny jeans. "Why are you so flustered Pipes, we've changed infront of each other so many times before" she says, cupping my cheek as I crouch down next to her. "I-I's just because last night..last night I had a dream about you..a-and we were in your treehouse a-and you I-um y-you fucked me" I stutter out, quickly grabbing some bandaids as I explain my wet dream. She chuckles and I feel her hand on the back of my neck, rubbing it softly as she looks at me with her signature Alex Vause look. Ya know, that look that makes every straight girl and even gay guys fall for her. "Wanna make it come true tomorrow?" She asks and I blush heavily, kissing her lips softly before putting her knee over the sink and running the cold water. "Okay, Web MD says to wash the cut with cold water and mild soap since there might be some debris." I say and she nods her head, wincing slightly as I clean the raw skin. I gently move her knee off of the sink and pat her knee dry, bandaging it and helping her of of the counter. "Thank you Pipes" she whispers huskily, I feel my knees go weak as she presses me up against the door, green meeting blue as I look at her. "Al.." I whisper, her good knee pressing up against my leg. "What is it Pipes?" she asks, her slender hands running down my body and up my sides.

"Take me."

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