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Pipers POV

"You fucking his it?" I say, anger still present in my voice but a bit softer. I push the clothes around and I grab my passport, turning to look at her with my mouth slightly open. "Please don't leave.." She whispers and I feel my heart tug. "Not now.." She begs and I turn, walking towards my suitcase and grabbing it. I stop and look at the door before looking back at the love of my life. "Al.." I say softly, torn between the two being easy, which is going back to the states and just living a safe life..and the other being difficult and dangerous, free falling through each day but with the love of my life..."If I stay I can't do any more drug runs Alex." I state, turning to her. "I promise Pipes you won't go on any more drug runs..I love you Piper and I took advantage of you. I'm sorry. You're my girlfriend." She says, more tears running down her cheeks. "Fuck it." I whisper, putting down my suitcase and putting the passport on the counter. I run my hands through my hair and quickly walk over to her, my arms immediately wrapping around her as she breaks down in my arms. "I've got you Al.." I whisper as she leans into me, I slowly take us down to the floor and hold her close, running my hands through her hair as she sobs. "Come on, lets book a ticket back to the states and we can go to Dianes funeral together." I say, holding her even tighter. "I'm never leaving you Al. I'm in this for the long haul, no matter how dangerous. I love you Al." I whisper, knowing that I just set my future in stone. She's my life. No matter where we are or what happens I'll be happy as long as I'm with her.


I'm dressed in black and so is Alex as we stand next to Dianes grave. My hand is wrapped around her securely as she sobs, watching her mother being lowered into the ground. She turns and hugs me tightly, her face nuzzling into my neck as I kiss her temple softly. "I've got you Alex..I've got you. It's going to be okay." I whisper, rubbing her back as I hold her tighter. "I can't watch Pipes..I cant fucking bury my mother." She whispers and I run my hands through her hair, staying strong for the both of us. We flew back to the states together, I never left Alex's side the entire time. I held her when she cried and calmed her down when she got mad at life. I know that she's my future wife, I know it's a long shot but I can't imagine my life without her.

After Dianes small funeral I hold Alex as we walk down the road, back to her brownstone.

We walk into the brownstone and we both sit on the bed, exhausted from the days events. I pull off her glasses and put them aside, gently wiping away her tears as I kiss her cheeks. "I love you Pipes." she whispers as we embrace each other tightly. "I love you too Al. Never forget that." I say softly.


I get put into the back of a cop car next to Alex, both of us in a orange jumpsuit as we get escorted to prison. "Pipes I'm so sorry.." She whispers as I process all the information that was told to me. I originally was getting fifteen months for carrying the suitcase but now I'm getting two years, almost three, for being involved. When I said Im Alex's girlfriend they saw it as I was a drug mule. Apparently the justice system can't tell left from right and up from down since I got labeled as apart of the ring. I'm her fucking girlfriend! I'm not apart of the drug ring! I carried one suitcase one time for Alex because I love her..I love her so much I would do anything for her..I guess that means spending time in prison as well. "It's okay.." I finally whisper out, looking over at Alex with hopeful eyes. "We have each other right?" I whisper, my voice cracking and the cuffs brushing my wrist. She nods her head and smiles at me somberly. "I love you Alex..even though I should hate you..I really fucking love you Alex." I say, laying back and closing my eyes. I feel her hand intertwine with mine and she kisses it, "I love you too Pipes. I'm going to make it up to you babe, I promise." She whispers and I nod my head, opening my eyes. "Al you don't have to make up anything, the second you said you were a drug dealer and I started dating you I knew what I signed up for. I signed up for a crazy, hectic, dangerous, free falling life and it scared me..but it was with you. So I said fuck it and jumped in head first." I say and she nods her head, both of us leaning on each other as we arrive at Litchfield.

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