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Laura's POV

I close my laptop at my desk and rub my eyes, turning off the desk light. I look over at my dimly lit LED clock, 2:45 am. Fuck I've worked this late on my book? I slip off my shirt and jeans that I wore all day, deciding to just sleep in my underwear and bra. I set an alarm for 6 am, knowing I can't sleep in all day as I slip under the covers, the room pitch black. My entire body feels sore as I lay on my side, letting myself sink into the sheets. My body relaxes and my mind starts to drift off, thinking of random things that cross my mind as I fall asleep. I'm half asleep as my phone buzzes softly with Tashas ringtone. I'm too tired to answer so I let it go to voicemail, rolling over and trying to fall back asleep. Not even a second later another call from Tasha comes through, shit it must be important if she calls me twice, she never calls people twice in a row. I slowly get up and rub my eyes, grabbing my phone and pressing the accept button. "What's up Tasha? It's almost 3 am" I say groggily, yawning softly. "Hey uh, I can't get through to Taylor. Today she walked off set upset and the entire cast tried to get ahold of her, Danielle, Jackie, Uzo, she hasn't answered anyone. Well she did but it was a drunk two second conversation before the line went dead. You're kinda close to her apartment so can you go check on her? We're all worried, we don't want her doing something dangerous or stupid" Tasha says quickly through the line. Fuck, we didn't have any scenes together today and I didn't check up on her. Shit. "I know you're the only person she's willing to talk to and tolerate when she's having a bad day so that's why I called you up at this ungodly hour. Youre her best friend Pre and maybe even something more if you catch my drift" She continues and I wedge my phone between my ear and shoulder as I pull on sweats and a hoodie, not bothering to put on a shirt. "Do you really think so?...Okay okay, I'll be over in her house in a few..I'll keep you posted" I say, slipping on some worn vans and grabbing my keys. "Okay, thanks Pre" Tasho says before the line goes flat. I slip my phone into my bag and walk out of the door, the cold air rushing into my lungs. I run my hands through my hair as I open my car door, "Are you okay Taylor?" I whisper under my breath as I pull out of my driveway.

I arrive at her apartment not two minutes later, taking the keys out of the ignition and hopping out of the car. I walk up the front steps and pull the spare set of keys she gave me out, unlocking the door and seeing all the lights are off. "Tay?" I call out softly, setting my bag down. I close the door behind me and hear soft sniffles and cries near her book room. I walk slowly towards the sound and see a drunk Taylor, an empty bottle of vodka in her hand as she's curled up in a blanket. Tears silently fall down her face as she doesn't notice my presence, soft hiccups coming from the bundle of blankets containing the blonde. "Hey Tay" I whisper softly, her weary eyes coming up and locking into mine. "L-Laur?" She whispers and I nod, sitting next to her on the floor and pulling her so her body is leaning on my knees. "I'm here babe" I whisper, taking in her color drained face and the bags under her eyes. "I'm sorry.." she whispers, breaking down in tears as soon as she comes in contact with me. I rub her back and collect her hair in my fingers, exposing her neck as I kiss the skin there ever so lightly. That always calms her down a bit. "shh..It's okay Tay, it's okay..I'm here, I've got you" I whisper soothingly, noticing she's still in the clothes I saw her in when I saw her in between scenes for a brief moment. She sobs into my shirt, her body shaking as I hold her close. As I rub her back she shoots up and stumbles to the bathroom, collapsing onto the floor and throwing up. As I get up to follow her I clean up her empty booze bottles and fold the blanket on the couch. Once I'm done I walk over to a still dry heaving Taylor and kneel down besides her, gathering all her soft hair and holding it back as all of the alcohol mixed with Im assuming pizza comes out. She cries softly as I continue to rub her back, pushing back the baby hairs that stick to her face "I'm sorry Laur.." She whispers over and over again, chills covering her body as she leans over the toilet again. "It's okay babe, it's okay" I whisper soothingly, reaching over and starting a shower for her.

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