Hanahaki Disease

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Taylor's POV

"Bye Tay, see you tomorrow!"

Laura says, a smile on her face as we bid farewell for the night.

"Bye Laur, see you tomorrow, I love you!"

I say as we share a tight hug, she smiles at me and she waves as I walk away.

"I love you too!"

She smiles as we step into our separate cars. Tonight the cast got together to support Uzo in her second Emmy nomination. As my car driver takes me home I reminisce on the night. I'm wearing a yellow dress and my shoulder length hair is curled, wearing some makeup and a bold red lip. Contrast to what Laura is wearing tonight, she is wearing a red dress with gold lace on the shoulders and chest, her hair is styled to be pinned up, and she has a smoky eye. We sat next to each other the entire show, just enjoying each other's presence as we supported Uzo.

As the announcers were speaking I felt Laura's hand gently rest on top of mine, her knuckle running over my thumb gently. We hold hands all the time but each time I blush. I know she's straight, and I know she only sees me as a friend but it's like..each time I see her..each time she touches me, the butterflies erupt and my cheeks blush.

I'm ripped out of my thoughts as the car slows to a stop. "We're here Ms.Schilling" my driver says and I thank him, grabbing my small handbag as I get out of my car and head into my house. My heels click on the cement of my driveway, a soft buzz coming from my handbag as I rummage through it. I pull out my keys and unlock my door, gently pushing it as I walk in. A second soft buzz makes me reach into my bag and grab my phone, unlocking it with FaceID as I check my messages. A smile comes on my face as I look at my screen, locking the door behind me. It's from Laura.

Laura: Hey Tay, text me when you get home, wanna make sure you got there safe x

Laura: Im so proud of Uzo but also had an amazing time with you Tay x

I smile as I look at the little kisses, kicking off my heels and walking to the bedroom as I reply.

Me: I'm home safe, get some sleep love, we have a long day of shooting tomorrow x

Me: I had an amazing time also! So proud of Uzo, I need to get ready to go to bed, goodnight Laur xxx

I walk into my room and take off my dress, leaving my open phone on the bed as I take off my makeup in the bathroom. I brush my teeth and look at myself in the mirror, not containing my smile as I remember Laura brushing my hair to the side a bit as I sat down next to her. God I wish I could hold her and kiss her like Piper does with Alex...

..I wish I could kiss all over her body and take off her red and gold dress..

..Cuddle with her on cold rainy nights..our bodies entangled together as we share gentle loving touches and kisses..

..Take naps with her on set and go to events together..as a couple, her arm wrapped around my waist as she kisses my cheek..

What am I saying?!

I furrow my eyebrows as I spit out my toothpaste, rinsing my mouth out before turning off the bathroom lights. I walk back into my bedroom and grab my phone, sliding under the covers as I plug my phone in.

Laura: Okay, goodnight Tay, see you tomorrow my gorgeous on screen lover xxx

I smile at the message and turn off my phone, letting the darkness settle around me as I hug my spare pillow and drift to sleep..dreaming about the gorgeous brunette beauty.


I wake up to my alarm, my phone blaring out the tone that never fails to annoy me. I roll over and feel a pressure in my chest and a queasiness in my stomach. I sigh and grumble lowly as I turn off my alarm, sitting up as I swing my legs over the side of the bed. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I check the time, 4:30. I have to be on set in about two hours. I slowly get up and grab some tums from my kitchen, trying to subside the pressure and the queasiness. I quickly drink down a glass of water and feed tank, stretching my body as I walk back to my bathroom.

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