Cigarettes and Skateboards

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(I got this idea from a prompt in the comment section of the video above)

Pipers POV

I'm listening to a slowed down version of Pumped Up Kicks as I'm smoking a cigarette at midnight. I'm currently sitting on my roof, the sweet cigarette smoke billowing out of my mouth as the slowed song flows out of the bedroom window. The navy blue sky is scattered with dim stars, my lungs filling up with the cigarette smoke as I look at the peaceful empty street below me. Smoking takes away the pain of life, the stress and annoyance of my "Ignorance is Bliss," difunctional family, everyone in my life either dying or leaving, ya know, normal shit. I see a group of masked teenagers come down the street as I exhale the smoke out into the night. They're all on either skateboards or bicycles, each of them brandishing a knife, baseball bat, or some other form of weapon. They all ride past my house without a second glance accept one member. All of the members are masked so I can't see the figures face who slowed down, the others not slowing down with them. My eyes land on the figures necklace glistening in the moonlight, a spark of recognition coming in my mind as the figure lifts its mask. My heart practically stops as I see her, the mask perched on her head as I see those familiar green eyes and black glasses. My childhood best friend who went missing a year ago without a trace and was pronounced dead a few months ago. We make eye contact as she sees the same necklace she has on hanging on me, we both bought these necklaces together a day before she went missing. I've never taken it off because I had to hold on to that sliver hope that she was alive. We make eye contact and she smiles a genuine smile, the one that reaches her eyes and makes my insides go all warm and fuzzy. Still in a state of shock, I wave at her meekly and she winks at me before riding off on her skateboard to catch up with the rest of the group. "Holy shit.." I whisper, rubbing my eyes as I watch her skate down the road. "Holy shit holy shit" I whisper as I put out my cigarette and basically tumble back inside my room, quickly pulling my photo album out and sitting on my bed. I open the book in the middle and flip a few pages to see my favorite photo of Alex and I. It's when I took a picture of us when I woke up with her spooning me. I smile gently at the picture and turn off my light, laying in bed as I continue to flip through the photographed memories.


The next day I lean out my window and do my routine midnight smoke, letting my head loll around a bit as I let my day from hell melt away. I pull out my wallet and look at the photo I've kept in there ever since she went missing a year ago. It's Alex with the most adorable smile on her face, looking at me as we laugh together. I smile softly at the photo and take another hit of my cigarette. Once again, right as it hits 12:30, the group of masked teenagers ride down the road. I let the cigarette hang from my mouth as they pass by my house, now Alex pre-slowing down so she's at a full stop by the time she reaches my house. I know it's Alex because her mask has blue and red designs on it and I saw her wear it last night. She stops fully and lifts up her mask, the same adorable smile as in the photo as she waves up at me. I smile at her and take the cigarette out of my mouth before waving back. She signs the one gesture we learned together on the internet, I love you. I smile and do the action back at her, blowing her a small kiss and she catches it before waving once more and skating away. She pulls her mask back down and I sigh, putting the photo away and the cigarette out. I head back inside and close my window, "Until tomorrow."


"Third fucking night." I whisper as I put on a jacket and open my window, my pack of cigarettes in my hand and my lighter in my other. I look at the pack in my hands and I shove it back into my room, leaning against the widow as I wait for them to come down the road. I'm counting stars as time slowly passes, fuck maybe I should smoke one. As the thought passes my mind I see the now familiar group of teenagers. They all stop this time and Alex lifts up her mask, nudging another one of them as she walks up to me. She motions for me to come down and without a second of hesitation I nod my head and pull on my converse, closing my window and getting off of the roof. As my feet hit the grass I'm face to face with Alex, a smirk on her face as she hands me a mask with blue and yellow markings on it. Her eyebrow raises and I gently take it from her, looking at the group behind her for approval. They all have their mask up now and they're all smiling warmly, nodding their head gently. I nod my head and slip it on, grabbing my bike I discarded earlier in the grass. Alex smiles and pulls her mask down, walking us back to the road as we ride off into the night.

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