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Pipers POV

My heart is pounding out of my chest as I hear sirens go off, gun shots and explosives going off in all directions. Hovercrafts with machine guns loaded fly overhead as I run across the field. They're burning down the buildings as the machine guns rain down on the ground. I sprint at full speed, my backpack tightly strapped onto me as I let my feet touch the ground for a second before picking it back up. There's about ten other people running across the field parallel from myself, all of us making a break for someplace safe. Armed, tall, and faceless men spray bullets into the fire as screams erupt everywhere, ringing in my ears as I try not to focus on the re-opening wound on my shoulder. People besides me are getting gunned down, making my chest constrict at the thought of myself being next. Suddenly the girl to my right trips, curse words flying out of her mouth as I see the hovercrafts with troops of armed clones dawn upon us. Shit she'll die if someone doesn't help her. Shit shit shit. I don't stop my pace in running as I run over to her, trying to pull her up. "Come on they're gonna kill you!" I say at her quickly, "I can't my foots stuck!" she says and I see her foot is stuck on a root. "This fucking farmers field" I hiss as I grab my knife, quickly slashing the thick root in half and pulling her up. I get her up fully and grab her hand, both of us making a sprint towards the hills. There's a small cover area where Im heading for, still holding this woman's hand, making sure she doesn't fall behind. We get to the small shack near the cover areas and crouch down, both of us trying to calm our breathing as we look around. Before we have enough time though she shifts her positing, looking like she's about to break out into a run, "What are you doing?" I whisper harshly at her, she whispers something under her breath and I look at her confused. "What?!" I whisper and she grabs me, "Bomb!" she yells, throwing herself on top of me on the ground as a deafening sound pierces the air. The ground shakes with anger as I feel the girl press her body up against mine, trying to shelter me from the blast. More screams erupt than ever before, total and pure mayhem making the air thick and dust ridden. I pull my mask up and she grabs a bandana from her backpack, wrapping it around her face like a mask. Once the shaking stops she gets off of me and I get a good look at her for the first time. She has long, dark hair pulled back into a ponytail, her secretary glasses framing her sparkling green eyes as dust and sweat covers what I can see of her face. "Come on, I have a place" she says, holding out her hand. I grab it without hesitation as we stand up, looking around to see scarlet fires burning the remaining houses. We make our way around the shack and run towards the covered area where there's a massive amount of shrubs in the shade. We make our way to the shrubs and the girl starts to look in them, "What the hell are you doing? Shrubs aren't a good place to hide out" I say and she chuckles, "No shit sherlock, just trust me" she says as I see her knock on a metal door hidden by the shrubs. A sliding metal peephole opens, a pair of dull eyes looking at it. "Hey it's Vause, I've got someone here, can we come in?" Her raspy voice says and the pair of eyes roll, "Vause you know we don't like new peoples" The scratchy voice says and the girl glares at them. "She saved my life in the field, if it wasn't for her I would be another gunned down corpse so open the fucking door" she hisses and a big lock shifts, the metal door opening. She holds out her hand and I grab it, following her to what could possibly be a death trap but I trust her.

Alex's POV

We walk down these dimly lit stairs, the blondes hand in mine as we make our way into the underground bunker. We both pull off our masks and look around. There's about twenty people in here and all of their heads turn to look at us, "Vause, check her for microphones, strip search her in the hallway" Taystee says and I nod, "I'm sorry.." I say, still now knowing her name. "Piper Chapman" she says and I smile softly at her, "Well Piper, we have to do a strip search in the hallway. I'm sorry it's just protocol when we bring new people down" I say and she shrugs, "It's okay, I understand" She hums as she follows me into the hallway. She stands besides me and I turn to her, "Can I at least know your name before you strip me?" she laughs and I smile softly at her. "Alex Vause" I say and she smiles, "Well Alex, you gonna strip search me or what?" she asks and I blush lightly. She puts her backpack and other bags down, "So I have knives, one is on my belt loop, the other is a bit bigger one strapped to my thigh, and the last one is clipped to my backpack" she says, taking them out and putting them on the floor for me to see. "That's all of them," She says and I look at her confused. "My dad worked for this cartel that would like assassinate people so whenever I went they had to strip search me to make sure I wasn't carrying a bomb or mic into the base" She says and lifts her arms out, I take it as a sign to start stripping her and I take off her leather jacket, seeing that she has a white tank top underneath. I take off her tank top and she winces, holding a wrap that I hadn't noticed was there before. "Shit.." she hisses, tightening the bloodied cloth wrap around her shoulder. "After we strip search I'll get you some medical help for that okay?" I say softly and she nods, wincing as I continue the search.

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