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Alex's POV

Today's the day.

The day I get out of prison.

The day I get to hold my Piper.

The day we can put prison behind us and start a whole new life outside of these bars.

After I broke up with Piper she visited me one last time in Litchfield before I got transferred. She said that she was going to leave her entire life behind and move to Ohio to wait for me. I thought it was bullshit. When I found out I was going to get transferred I thought Piper was gonna bail. Bail like she always does when times got rough. But no. Piper moving to Ohio and leaving her whole life behind for me showed me she isn't the Piper who left me in Paris. The new Piper stays with me when times get rough. That's why I broke it off in the first place, to let her go before she left. I felt like I was talking to the old version of Piper, too worried to see that I was talking to the new Piper. The one who wouldn't give up on me. On our love. On Us. She asked me to let her back into her life before she moved to Ohio and knowing that she was going to fight for us..for me..I let her back in, and damn it was the best decision I've ever made. A loud knock on my cell brings me out of my daydream, "Vause! Time for release back into this shitty world" A CO says, "Get your shit together let's go." He snaps and I grab my photo of Piper and a few personal items before getting up and following him. "You have five minutes to say goodbye" he huffs and I walk over to Big Boo, Yoga Jones, and Norma. I give all of them big hugs and they smile, "Say hi to Chapman for me, I'm gonna miss you Vause" Yoga says and I smile. "I guess my mandala is about to get swept away" I chuckle and she nods. "It was over before you know it, have a good life Vause" she says and Boo turns to me. "Yeah kid, look out for Chapman for us..You two were some of the good ones" She says and gives me a big hug. I turn to Norma and she hands me a piece of paper saying, "Don't forget about us, we love you" I smile at the paper and hug her tightly. "I won't, you guys have been the best since I've gotten transferred. Thank you" I smile as the CO yells. "Vause, times up!" he says and I hug them one final time before following him out to take showers, squat and cough, change, and sign the release papers.

I stand in the prison issues release clothing, the common maroon hoodie with a jacket and pants. I'm anxiously clutching my things as I'm next in line to sign the release papers, seconds feeling like minutes. I've been waiting for this moment for the last few years and it hasn't come quick enough. Finally I pick up the pen and quickly scribble my signature down, double checking if the information is right before handing it back to the CO. We all get put into a line and get walked out by CO's into the entrance of the prison, my heart rate quickening with each step. I fix my glasses nervously as the CO opens the doors, the bright light blinding me for a second before I step out. The cool air hits my face and I look around the crowd frantically for my Piper. Soon my eyes fixate on a jumping blonde, a rose and chocolates in her hand. "Alex! Al!" she yells, my eyes immediately spring with tears as I smile, "Piper! Pipes baby!" I laugh as we both run at each other full speed, our bodies meeting together halfway as my arms wrap around my wife's figure. "Alex..oh my god Alex" she cries tears of joy as she gives me a bone crushing hug. "I'm here Pipes..holy shit i'm actually holding you" I whisper and I hug her tighter, that familiar scent of Piper engulfing my senses. God I've missed this woman. She's dressed in a white button up and dark denim jeans, her hair curled perfectly. "I've missed you so fucking much Al" she cries, tears now spilling down my cheeks as her warmth radiates off of her. She pulls back and without a second thought I kiss her deeply, my hands cupping her cheeks. Her velvety lips still feel the same way they did when Piper was released a few years ago. I've missed everything about Piper, that worried look on her face, her smile, her laugh, how she reacts when you say the word moist, everything. She kisses me deeply and I pull her closer, my hands now on her waist and hers on my cheeks. "Al.." she whispers as we share the most passionate kiss of our lives. "My god how I've missed you" I mumble into the kiss as I kiss her deeper. She pulls away gently and rests her forehead on mine as we look at each other lovingly, enjoying each others presence. I study her face all over again, seeing her honey cream skin contrast with her beautiful blue eyes, the soft freckles on her cheeks and nose and her gentle dimples, the way her eyes crinkle in the corners when she laughs or smiles.

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