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The weeks went by slower and slower. Polly had been trying to convince her mom for weeks, for her permission to go on vacation with a few of her friends. Since polly was Alice's favorite child, she finally let her go, leaving Betty alone in the house, as Alice was on a business trip. Betty has thought about throwing a party of her own, but who would she invite, Kevin? Veronica? Archie? That wouldn't be a party, that would be more of a...study session. Betty tucked away her diary under her bed and got up to use the restroom. Betty has started a bet with herself to drink a gallon of water a day, and that made her go to the bathroom, more than she wanted to. After that she returned to bed and fell asleep.

After washing her hands she looked at herself in the mirror. She wanted to be someone like her sister, someone who boys prayed to be with, someone who looked good in tight dresses, someone her mom liked... she quietly hummed as she entered her room again.
"Cooper, cooper, cooper, cooper." A raspy male voice spoke, making Betty jump.
"You have to stop writing about me in your little notebook." He smirked.
"Did you read- Wait when?" Betty asked, taking the diary out of his hands, "and how did you you get in here?" She questioned.
"Sometimes you leave your diary out, and as for the second question...you gotta close your door, or someone might break in." Jughead mentioned.
"Just like you right now?"
"I'm no intruder, Elizabeth." He whispered.
"What the hell are you trying to get at?" I asked him.
"You know exactly what I'm saying..." he leaned in-

Beep beep beep

She groaned as the alarm woke her up.
"Damn it." Her head was pounding from overload of alcohol from Veronica's party the night before. Thank god it was a Saturday or else betty would've cried. Betty hopped out of bed, remembering her dream from that night, she shook her head thinking maybe her mind would move onto something else...like Ellen degenerous?...Justin Bieber?...Veronica...but it always made her way back to A certain raven haired boy.

Betty poured herself some cereal, and turned on the tv. There was a noise at the door, so betty placed her cereal down on the coffee table and stood up to investigate, with 'Orange Is the New Black' playing in the background. The door opened, and it was just Jughead.
"Ugh, it's you." Betty sighed and flopped on the couch.
"You know, you seem to have the same reaction every time we acquaint." He threw his keys on the table and opened the fridge.
"Maybe it's because you're like the sibling, I never wanted, nor asked for." She said taking a bite of cereal. "Who gave you keys by the way?"
"Who do you think?" He said pulling out a slice of pizza that he left there the night before.
"Polly's not here." Betty told him.
"I know." He said popping the pizza in the microwave.
"Okay...if you know, that why are you here?" She asked turning off the tv.
"Because I basically live here." He shrugged as if it were obvious. Betty rolled her eyes.
"Can't you go 'basically live' somewhere, that isn't my house?" Betty shouted.
"No need to shout sweetheart, we're the only ones in the house." He said.
"Excuse me?" Betty walked over to put her bowl in the sink.
"Alice doesn't know about all the alcohol you consumed last night, does she?" He asked talking a large bite of his pizza.
" 'Alice' isn't going to find out." Betty said.
"Oh yeah, and if I tell her?" He looked at her.
"I will murder you." She fake smiled. Jughead chuckled.
"Yeah right."
Betty groaned.
"Can you please leave, I don't want to be here with you, alone, with no witnesses." Betty said.
"Hey betty."
"What?" Betty said obviously aggravated.
"Why did god give men penises?" Betty rolled her eyes.
"Why?" She asked.
"So they'll have at least one way to shut a woman up." He laughed at his own joke.
"What does polly find attractive about you?" Betty asked.
"The real question is what do you find attractive about me." He asked, throwing his paper plate away, and laying on the couch.
"Excuse me?" She asked.
"Shh, I'm watching something."
Betty stood there in disgust and confusion, and made her way upstairs. She slightly laughed at the situation, and scrolled through her phone, when she heard a knock on her door.

I love cliffhangers.
Peace and love. Be kind!
(This is unedited)

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