outerbanks / prologue

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lexi cooper, cooper or coop for short, is an 18 year old girl who lives up on figure 8 with her normal sized family. though she isn't the type to call herself a kook, she is a kook.

coop has a family of six starting from her stepfather, ward, who is a rich man with a shit load of, well, everything. second is rose, her uptight, money wanting mother who she despises. than her sisters, wheezie and sarah who aren't all that bad, just not the typical people she likes to hang with all the time. to the final cameron, rafe, the drug addicted, mind fucked bastard.


coop used to live with her dad, derick, but had to move to the outerbanks 2 months ago due to derick being an alcoholic. rose left first, without cooper, not really caring that she had left her daughter alone to suffer with her father's addictions. but after complaining and fighting with her mother over the past two years, rose gave up and moved her daughter, coop, into the outerbanks with her and her new family.

she now lives, some what happily, with the camerons. though she has only been there for 2 months, she didn't mind living by the water. she kind of knew how to surf, mostly the basics, and she knew how to decently drive a boat, but that was about it.

she didn't know how her new siblings felt though. she talk to sarah, which was awkward to say the least. they were short with each other, and it was mostly all talk about which boy sarah liked at that point, which is now a boy named topper, who she is totally falling for. she stayed away from rafe because he weirded her out, and he was into more drugs than just weed, which don't get her wrong, she liked to smoke, she just hated everything else you would consider a drug. and wheezie, well, she talks to her, but what can you really talk about with such a young girl?


authors note: (and probably the only one)
  -> hey guys. so little catch up. i am changing the age, (18) it's more suitable for me and what i have planned. also, rose is lexi's real mother, she is not ward's kid. her last name is cooper because she does not want it changed to cameron.
  -> her nick name is coop, or cooper.
  -> leave comments if you think its moving too fast!! i tend to do that all the time!!!

   -> this story is based way before season one, so that means john b's dad will be alive. he will be a character in this book.

also ; i have updated most chapters. read through them, made sure things were spelled correctly. added more detail. if you see a mistake feel free to let me know!

 if you see a mistake feel free to let me know!

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ellie thumann as lexi cooper

ellie thumann as lexi cooper

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the pogues as themselves

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