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coop's pov
12:45 pm ; monday
camerons house hold

i walked down the stairs to see my mom and ward kissing while standing in the kitchen. it wasn't pleasant to see, but i had no right to say anything. to my surprise, wheezie was behind me and decided she had the right.

"that's disgusting." she simply stated, walking past them.

i held in a laugh, covering my mouth with my hand as i walked past them, following wheezie. around this time is when i would go surf or go for a ride on the boat. it's nice and sunny and not having friends, or anyone really to talk to, other than wheezie and maybe sarah, i tend to do my activities by myself.

don't get me wrong, i do wish i had people my age other than wheezie and sarah to go boat riding with. but sometimes it was fun to have them around.

this one time, i let wheezie drive, even though that's the biggest rule, don't let her drive, and we almost crashed into someones dock. we only nicked it a bit, scratching ward's boat. it would have been a bad outcome i'm sure but we couldn't stop laughing. she was so scared to go home. we ended up just telling ward that we think rafe scartched the boat. he yelled at rafe, not thinking twice that it was actually us.

wheezie and i planned on going for a ride today. i woke up this morning at around 9:27 am and had got dressed, but she came walking into my room saying how she wanted to get a tan and i needed to drive her out on the water and rafe wont do it because he is going out with topper and all sorts of stuff. so i got undressed and put on my black swim suit. if wheezie gets to tan, then so do i.


"lexi, do you like it here?" wheezie asked as she was swimming around the boat.

wheezie and i had anchored the boat a ways away from the house. while she swam i laid on the floor of the boat. 

"yeah, i mean, it's definitely something new, but it's okay." i shrugged at her concern.

i didn't really have an exact answer for her. i asked myself that question one hundred times a day. i never came up with an answer either.

"how come you don't hang out with sarah's friends?"

she was so nosy sometimes, but i'm glad she cared enough to ask questions.

"i don't like sarah's friends." i stated and she snickered.

"me neither." she continued to swim.

i laid my head back down. i need to put myself out there, make some friends. i need people my age to hang out with. i liked wheezie's company, don't get me wrong, but sometimes it was boring. sometimes i hated being alone. i didn't have people to talk to.

i stood up from where i was laying and went to the stern of the boat. i looked at wheezie who was still on the left side of the boat. she was floating on her back. i jumped off the boat, leaving a big splash.

"hey!" wheezie whined, making me chuckle at her scowl she gave me as i came up for air.

"sorry." i shrugged my shoulders at her.

"can you flip off of the boat?" wheezie climbed onto the boat, walking to the stern of the boat herself.

"i mean, i never tried it. for all i know i would end up either back flopping or face planting and neither would feel good." i put my face into a scrunch at the feeling.

"it's so fun though." she got on the edge of the boat and front flipped into the water.

it seemed easy, but i'm sure it would hurt like a mother fucker if i ended up flopping.

"try it." wheezie chanted as she came back up for air.

"i swear, if i flop, your ass is dead."

wheezie started to giggle as i climbed back onto the boat. i stood on the edge. i starred down at the water and took in a big breath, but let it out, realizing i wasn't ready to fully jump. i shook my head and glanced at wheezie who was just watching me, waiting. i shook my hands and finally took another breath, but before i could actually jump, big john, and his son, john b, came up to us with their boat.

my stepfather, ward, and big john were friends. they did some work together, nothing that i really knew. i have seen big john at the house a couple of times. he was a good man from what i could tell.

john b on the other hand, i could see from day one, he did not like me. i'm sure he thinks of me as this privileged girl, who gets whatever she wants, but in all honestly, i'm not. of course he didn't know that, but he probably didn't care anyways.

"you girls having fun?" big john stopped his boat close to ours. i could see his big smile on his face.

both of the routledge boys had pink cheeks from the sun, it was a normal thing to see on the kildare island.

"lexi was just about to do a flip off the boat, so you came in time to watch the show." wheezie answered wtih full hope that i would jump still.

great, so now if i do flop, it won't just hurt, but it will embarrass the hell out of me.

"no, i'm good now. i think i'll save the embarrassment for later." i glared down at wheezie and she sent me a fake innocent smile.

"what are you two up too?" i asked, nodding at the two while john b rolled his eyes.

"well i took bird out for some fishing on the marsh, now we are headed to the chateau for some lunch. you girls could come if you'd like. i will be frying fish."

bird huh?

"yes lexi can we please? dad isn't making lunch, it's a fend for yourself kind of thing tonight, and i don't want to have to eat yet another ham sandwich." wheezie pleaded.

i looked over at john b who looked just as annoyed as i did. more or less for different reasons.

"yeah, come on, ward won't mind." big john said as wheezie got into our boat.

i glanced at john b one more time before nodding, giving big john my approval, and wheezie soon after jumping in excitement.

i started up the boat and followed big john all the way to the cut.

in all honesty, i liked the way the cut looked more than figure 8. it had more of a lively look to it and it makes me feel like i'm back home with my dad. the cut showed that regular people lived there. not stuck up kook's who have beautiful gardens or super expensive cars in their front yards. it was something i wish was different. i would rather be living low on money and be on the cut, then high on money and living in figure 8. which is weird to say because who wouldn't want a whole bunch of money? i mean i would, and i guess here, i did. it technically isn't even my money, it's the cameron's, it just seemed to be that everyone thought i did because well, i live up on figure 8.

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