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jj's pov
10:12 am ; my house

coop stopped at the end of my road, after i asked her nicely to let me go in by myself. she understood, knowing that it would cause a fight.

i walked into my house and saw my dad passed out on the couch, i stopped and starred at him. i shook my head and walked into my room, grabbing some clothes and changing. shoving other clothes into a bag.

i walked back out after, swinging the bag over my shoulder, and saw my dad walk to the kitchen. he already had a beer in his hand. he scratched the back of his head and looked through a pile of papers.

"so you finally came home." he said as he saw me standing in the hallway.

"yeah, i needed a change of clothes." i looked around the house for my escape just in case.

"so what, you're just going to run off again?" he set his beer bottle down, a little to rough on the table, making me jump.

"no, i'm just going to help big john with yard work." i lied.

"boy, you need to learn how to lie better." he shook his head at me. "these bills keep stacking up." he grabbed a few and threw them to the floor.

i took that time to run out the back, not wanting a problem.

"run." i said as i got up to coop.

"what-" i cut her off grabbing her arm and making her run with me.

we ran down the road, stopping after we made a right onto another road.

coop stopped and started to giggle as she bent down out of breath. "damn, i haven't ran like that in a long time."

she looked up at me and i shook my head at her, "your giggle is the cutest thing." i said, instantly regretting it.

the more and more i hang with coop, the more i say things that could get me into trouble.

usually it was just flirting, but some of it i actually meant. it's been what? a few days, maybe, and i was kind of getting to close with coop.

"yeah, so is your messy hair." she said standing up and messing up my hair.

i grabbed my hat out of my bag and put it on, making her giggle again.

i shook my head and followed her as she started to walk away.

i took notice that coop didn't ask why we ran. i liked that she knew when to just keep quiet about things like that.

"so, you remember our promise?" she asked as we got closer to the chateau.

"your promise." i corrected her, "but yes, and i won't cause a problem. i'm not even mad anymore."

"did my strip tease last night make all the anger go away?" she played, nudging my arm.

"like i said, that shit was painful not being able to do anything."

"hey, i never did say you couldn't do anything about it, that's just what you thought." she stated, walking into the chateau, making me stop in my tracks.

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