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jj's pov
8:50 pm : saturday
date night

cooper had no idea that i planned out this date, with the help of our friends

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cooper had no idea that i planned out this date, with the help of our friends.

see coop loves to go star gazing, but what she loves more is watching the waves, so, john b is lending me his van, and we are going to the lighthouse, but not up it.

kie told me she had been past the lighthouse, and there is this super pretty view, and the waves that crash into the rock are amazing. something i think coop would really like.

i told coop to meet me at her front door at 9 and she had about 10 minutes before i storm into her room and pick her up over my shoulder, but she beat the time by walking out before i could.

she was wearing a tan tee shirt, ripped mom jeans and some regular shoes of hers. her hair was in a messy bun and she was wearing absolutely no makeup, which i liked and took notice of.

coop was all around so natural and so gorgeous. she was definitely my type, but definitely the type that would not go for a guy like me, so i didn't know what she found in me, but still felt lucky to even catch her eye.

"you look nice," she sent me a smile.

"thanks, kie dressed me." i smirked making her laugh.

"per usual." she shook her head. "you've never been one to be able to dress up yourself."

"ouch." i held my hand over my chest like she hurt me.

"my apologies man."

i smiled at her, "you look nice as well, very natural."

"should i have worn makeup? i can put makeup on? it'll only take like two seconds."

"coop, calm down, i like you like you are, make up is gross and shiny."

coop relaxed her body and smiled, "i know, i was kidding, i wouldn't change for a soul."

"not even for me, damn, ouch again,"

"you're a dork." we started to walk to the van.

"but you love me," i kissed her check.

"yeah, actually, i do." coop stopped in her tracks.

"what?" i stopped as well, surprised.

"i love you, jj maybank."

"and i love you, lexi cooper."

i pulled coop into me, and kissed her soft rosy lips, letting her know that i really did.

coop pulled away and smirked, "romantic."

"shut up," i pulled her to the passenger door and opened it for her, letting her get situated and then shutting it.

i went around back, stopping for a second and smiling at the thought of her loving me. it felt good honestly.

i then got into the driver side and sat down, looking over at the smiling coop.

"did you have to rejuvenate back there?"

"shush, i was day dreaming."

"about the hot chick you're about to fuck tonight, or the date?"

"both, but make the hot chick you, and we're set."

"that back fired." coop giggled and i started the van, going to the light house.


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small filler before the date night.

keep in mind this story has large and small chapters. i get comments saying how my chapters should be longer, and it just depends on what chap you are reading!

brutal love || outerbanks, jjWhere stories live. Discover now