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coop's pov
8:30 pm ; stolen car

i have been driving for maybe 15 minutes and i was already bored. it's not like jj isn't going to come back.

i drove onto a gravel road and turned my head lights onto bright. i saw an animal run passed my car and it freaked me out. i slammed on my breaks and i jolted forward.

i sat in the middle of the road, putting my head back on the seat in annoyance.

jj has been through this stuff before. he gets upset easily, but it wasn't like him for running away from his friends. or hitting john b.

i grabbed out my phone and dialed jj's number. with a few rings it brought me to voice mail.

i shut my phone off and threw it on the passenger seat.

"where are you jj." i said as i put the car in drive, continuing the search.


it was about 9:34 pm now and i wanted to give up. it's been an hour. if anything jj went back to john b's and i was just waisting time.

i called jj again, praying he would pick up, but it was no use. i was over by the cemetery, driving through it. i could't see shit other than what was in front of the car due to how dark it was.

i drove passed a few head stones before coming to a hult, seeing the one and only, blonde mop of a boy, sitting in front of a head stone.

i parked the car and got out, leaving it run so the head lights would stay on.

"jj, what are you doing?" i asked as i ran up to him.

he was sitting in the grass in front of a head stone that read, james anderson.

"who is that?" i said softly, sitting down next to him.

"no clue." he let out a weak laugh.

"why are you in front of it?" i looked at him.

he didn't respond.

"jj." i paused. i looked over at the car and then back at him. "why did you run and not just work things out with john b?"

he stayed silent again.

"i told kie this was pointless." i ran my hands through my hair.

it was silent between us for a while. he was just pulling at the grass next to him. he looked like he had a few tear stains on his left cheek, but i wasn't going to bring that up.

"hey, guess what i bought?" i started, pulling a new juul out of my pocket. "well rafe bought it for me, but no one is supposed to know that."

he looked at it and stood up. i looked up at the now standing boy.

i stood up, getting to his level. "jj what's wrong?" i asked, being soft again.

"coop," he started but stopped, walking away.

i stopped him, grabbing his arm.

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