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coop's pov3:25 pm ; lexi's room

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coop's pov
3:25 pm ; lexi's room

i sat on my bed and drew. i had nothing better to do seeing as everyone in the house was either napping or out somewhere. i was drawing a boat when someone came bursting through my door.

"where is sarah?" a sweaty topper asked after he found eye contact. did he run all the way here?

"napping?" i asked more as a question.

"she was supposed to meet me for dinner, i thought she ditched me." he laughed, scratching his back and relaxing.

"oh, she never said anything, but yeah, she is napping." i said and he walked out. shutting my door.

maybe sarah finally grew a pair and told topper her feelings.

i continued to draw, embarrassed that i was now realizing i was only in a bra and leggings.

topper didn't seem to notice though, which showed what kind of person he was. or i'm just not his type, which is fine with me too.

i stood up and threw on a shirt, covering up. i laid back down and continued to draw. after i completed the boat i heard a knock at my bed room door.

at least they knock.

"yeah?" i yelled.

"hey." john b said coming into my room with jj and pope.

"who let you in?" i asked a little worried that they just walked in.

"ward." they all shrugged.

thats a surprise. ward did not like pogues unless they were helping him with some chore.

"so what's up?" i asked as i put my drawing on my side table.

"nothing we are just bored and kie is at work right now, so we figured we would come bother you." pope shrugged his shoulders as he talked.

all three of them were looking around my room, finding things to comment and ask about.

"so this is your dad?" jj asked as i walked up behind him.

"that is. he was i think 35 in the picture, i was 7." i stated, looking at it.

i was wearing my dads fishing hat, while he was holding a big crappie. that was back when he didn't drink and him and my mom were still together. they used to be happy, used to get along. they actually loved each other back then. now they hate each other and want nothing to do with each other. back then was so much easier than it is now. i wish that sometimes things could just go back to normal and we were a happy family again.

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