thirty nine

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jj and i pulled up to john b's and we both got out. jj grabbed my board off the roof of my car and we walked into the chateau.

"i put your board on the van already, if you want to just put coop's up there now." john b said first thing as we walked in.

jj nodded and walked back out.

"where was he?" kie asked.

"my car, sleeping off the alcohol." i shrugged like it was no biggie.

kie left it at that and us four walked out.

"i think it's on, i would check it though john b." jj said once we got to the van.

john b checked and while doing so we all got in. pope sat passenger, kie sat in the middle next to me and jj sat in the back.

"tryna smoke?" jj whispered in my ear.

"roll it, and we can smoke it on the beach, pope doesn't like the smell." i answered and jj nodded.

john b backed the van out and were headed on our way.

10:40 pm ; surfing

"you'd think pope would be easier on his feet." jj stated as we sat in the sand watching the three others surf. we had just finished smoking, so we were letting it sit for a few minutes before going with the rest.

"well tell me the last time he probably surfed. he just has to get used to it again." i shrugged looking over at him.

"yeah, guess you're right. now lets see if you are still any good."

"oh shut it, i'm still amazing."

"HEY!" i heard from behind us.

i turned around saw rafe stumbling over to us. he was wearing a yellow polo shirt, along with some blue shorts. he also had a beer in his hand.

"fuck me." i whispered.

"gladly." jj said but quieted himself realizing that this was a serious matter.

"why are you fucks hanging out with my sister?" rafe slurred once he got closer to us.

john b then stood in front of me. kie and pope were behind me, jj still on the side of me.

"they are my friends, and i am not your sister." i told him.

"you live in my house, plus your mom is married to my dad, makes you my sister."

i didn't respond, because he was right, but i would never call rafe my brother, not even a friend.

"so who's dating her? HUH? WHICH ONE?" rafe screamed. i could smell the alcohol coming from his lips once i stood closer to him, john b now behind me this time.

"me." jj said, hold his index finger up.

"rafe, go home before i call ward and tell him you are high on coke

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"rafe, go home before i call ward and tell him you are high on coke. GO!" i yelled, knowing that would make him leave.

rafe flicked me off then walked away, dropping his beer. i looked back at the group and smiled, "any way, let's go surfing shall we?"

"was it a bad idea to tell him that we are dating?" jj whispered.

"even if it was, he won't remember." i shrugged.

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