thirty one

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"so your head? what actually happened?"

jj and i were sat out side since big john came back from work. we decided we wanted some privacy.

"kelce asked me to that movie after i came back from a boat ride. after i told him no he pushed me into the water and i smacked my head against the boat, ward saw it all happen and he took me to the hospital."

"he actually physically pushed you? like he touched you?" jj was getting heated.

"don't worry about it, really. my head is fine and sarah sent topper out to rough him up a bit." i lied. i just didn't want jj doing anything stupid.

"next time, even though there shouldn't be, please tell me."

"that's not gonna happen," i let out a laugh, "your stupid ass will go get yourself in trouble and i'm not gonna have that happen because of me."

jj shook his head, "as long as it's for you i could care less."

"i know, that's why i'm not gonna tell you." i smiled over at him which made him get out of his chair and walk up to me, tickling me.

"stop!" i squirmed, "i can't, stop i can't breathe!"

jj stopped and looked down at me as he was hovered over me. i took notice of the veins that were popping out of his arms as he used them to hold himself up in front of me. he was leaned against my chair, towering over me.

it was almost some how hot, even though there was no need for it to be.

he just starred at my eyes as a smile grew on his lips.

"you kid's want some water? ward gave me a ton and now i have to much to fit in the fridge!" big john yelled making jj pull him self away.

"yeah!" i answered as we both walked to the door.

"where are the others?"

i looked over at jj, "um, fishing i think."

"how come you guys didn't go?"

"oh, um-" i cut jj off.

"i bumped my head and the motion of the boat makes me want to throw up."

big john nodded, walking into a room and i shrugged at jj.

"that was the best you could come up with?" jj dumped water onto my head.

"excuse me for not stuttering like you." i also dumped water on his head.

jj grabbed two more waters before running out of the chateau. i quickly grabbed the nearest towel, putting it onto the mess on the floor and grabbing waters myself. i ran after him.

i chased jj to the dock and he threw water at me, me doing the same.

jj took his shirt off and jumped in. i just shook my head and watched him come back up, shaking his head and pushing his hair back.

i set the waters down, taking my clothes off as well before jumping in.

"damn it's cold." i said as i came back up for air.

"yeah, bit chilly."

"here comes the others." i pointed as i saw the HMS pogue boat.

"hide hide hide, get under the dock."


"because we can scare them."

"there are so many spider webs." i complained, but got under it.

as we heard the motor of the boat get closer, jj put his arms around me, holding me in closer so we weren't seen.

this is the type of thing i missed.

"you think they are still fighting?" we heard kie.

"i'm thinking jj blew up then they figured it out." john b said as he tied the boat off.

"thanks." i heard jj whisper and it made me want to giggle.

"or maybe they just decided to go home and not talk." pope added.

"or," i came out from under the dock, making the three of them jump, "maybe we decided we were childish and are fine now."

"god damn coop, you scared the shit outta me." john b said holding his hand to his chest.

"where is jj?" pope asked.

i watched as jj exited from under the dock on the other side and reach up and pull john b in the water.

"never mind." pope started to laugh.

"found him!" john b came up from the water for air.

kie sent me a smile and nodded. she approved of the common sense jj and i decided to have after all.

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