twenty three

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12:56 am ; chateau

jj and i got back to the chateau. we walked in as quietly as possible, not knowing who was awake and who wasn't.

once we entered, we saw pope and kie sleeping on the floor while john b was passed out on the couch.

we both assumed big john was sleeping in his room as well.

jj looked over at me and grinned. "john b's bed is open."

"he is going to kill us." i shook my head, taking my necklace off.

"hey, at least we get a good nights rest before we die." he shrugged making me hold my laugh in so i didn't wake anyone up.

jj grabbed my hand, he started to do that more recently. he pulled me through the hall way and to john b's room, pulling me in and shutting the door.

he plopped himself on the bed, taking his shirt off, looking at me. i shook my head. "if you think i'm giving you another strip tease, you can shove it." i walked back out of the room to grab my bag that i had packed before coming back to the chateau earlier today.

i walked over to the three, slowly pulling it out from under popes head as he was using it as a pillow.

once i got it, i walked to the bathroom and stripped from my clothes, changing into shorts and a tank top.

i let my hair lose, using the bathroom quickly and walking out. i set my bag down on the floor again, next to the table. i stood back up and just smiled, but lost it after thinking about jj saying he liked me.

i never said it back.

"coop, i'm tired, hurry your slow ass up." jj whispered from the now open door.

i shook off my thoughts and walked over to him sending him a smile and walking to the bed, getting in.

jj followed, covering us up with the blanket. he looked over at me before shutting the lamp off and laying down.

"i had fun tonight jj." i looked up at the ceiling.

"i did too."

we both starred at the ceiling for a while not saying anything. i think we were both just going through our thoughts.

i turned and face him, resting my head on his chest. he put his hand around my back and kissed the top of my head, "good night princess."

i smiled at the name. "good night."


9:45 am ; sunday

"yo coop, wake up." i heard a whisper come from beside me. i opened my eyes to see kie standing above me.

she held up a key and a bag of food. i looked at her confused and she smiled, "HMS pogue. food for the guys."

i nodded and slowly got out of the bed, not wanting to wake jj.

"oh, and i brought you some clothes because i thought it would be easier than going back to your house." kie whispered, throwing a bag to me.

"thank you." i opened the bag as she walked out.

i turned towards jj to make sure he was still sleeping. i quickly stripped, changing into the clothes and leaving the bed room.

"okay, so i was thinking just me and you go for a ride, i brought the boys breakfast so john b won't be to upset that we take his boat. plus big john said it was cool." kie continued to whisper seeing as pope and john b were in the living room.

i nodded at her, putting my necklace back on and then my shoes. i was excited to have some kie time. we never really get just girl on girl talk. the boys are always around.

kie quickly wrote a note, saying where we were, then sticking it to bag and leaving it on the table.

we both walked out saying a quick good bye to big john.

"okay, so you better tell me everything that happened last night." she turned to me as we got into the boat.

"i knew that was coming."

"coop, what happened? every detail." she backed out from the sand, getting the boat fully into the water.

"okay fine." i started, grabbing an unopened beer that was sitting in a cup holder, "so he brought me to the light house and you know i was skeptical at first but once we actually got on top, it was beautiful." i started.

i took a sip of the beer and she moved the boat a bit faster.

"anyway, we kissed and then got chased out by security." i shrugged pretending it was no big deal.

"you kissed?" she looked directly at me.

"yeah," i said a little to excitedly. "but kie, he told me he liked me and i choked."

"do you like him?"

"i never really took the time to think about it, but after last night, i think that maybe i do. but maybe it was just too soon for me? i don't know." i looked ahead of us and saw a few boats.

"don't push yourself if you aren't ready. he'll understand."

"i know. i just can't believe i choked, me out of all people."

"that is hard to believe." she joked, making me crack up.

"i kissed him." i stated making her whip her head to me.

"you did? he didn't kiss you first?" she looked surprised but seemed like she could've guessed.

"yeah, i made the first move." i acted like i was cool making her giggle.

"i kind of guess that would happen. jj was gonna take all that slow because he thought you wanted to."

"i mean, i did at first, but we are just teenagers kie. i wanna kiss him when ever and even fuck when ever." i put my feet up on my seat as she laughed at me.

"i mean think about it, don't you want someone who you can kiss when ever you feel like it? or take them to bed when you want to? i mean for god sakes some one to rub your back or play with your hair."

"and that's jj?" she dropped the anchor into the water.

"yeah, that's jj."

"i do want that, but maybe leave out the 'taking them to bed part.'" she sent me a playful eye roll.

"oh come on, ms. kie doesn't want to have sex." i poked her side making her push me away lightly.

"i mean yeah i guess but it's not my top priority like yours a jj's."

"having sex is jj's top priority? wow never guessed."

"dude jj macks on any girl." she said but stopped and looked at me, "not since he met you though."

i grinned at her, "i know."

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