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—♡—coop's pov9:30 am ; wednesday HMS pogue

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coop's pov
9:30 am ; wednesday
HMS pogue

"you know," i started. "i think john b is the only one who can actually fish."

"have you seen my fishing skills?" pope asked.

"yes, and they suck." jj threw his line in the water, "but i can definitely fish better than john b."

"okay, maybe that's true. but i have more skills than all of you." kie added, shooting me a smile.

"you all suck." john b shook his head.

we were all sitting on john b's boat, fishing and drinking. kie had packed a ton of beers. it was a good wednesday to say the least.

"i think we should go skinny dipping!" jj yelled suddenly.

"you wish." kie glared at him in a joking manner.

"that would be kind of fun though." john b smirked at jj.

"i'm not down for that." pope shook his head fast.

"okay, fine. coop, you down?" jj smirked at me.

"in your dreams." i winked at him.

"okay, well i'm not going if it's just us two man." john b stated, jj agreeing with him.

"you know what i think we should do?" i started and re casted my fishing line into the water, "i think we should go star gazing, on top of the light house. jj and i did that a while back and i think it would be fun."

"yeah and get arrested? no." pope shook his head dramatically.

"jj has a way up. plus there are no camera's."

"it's blocked off now, i went to check the other day." jj stated but didn't look at any of us.

i was gonna ask him why he went to check, but kie started talking.

"well, i know another thing we could do?" she looked to be a bit nervous even bringing it up.

"and?" john b smiled at her.

"so i heard the kooks are throwing a party, i don't know where, but i think it could be fun." kie sent a smile at us.

"no way they would want us there." pope shook his head.

"i mean, they did come to the one john b through." i stated.

"yeah i guess. still doesn't mean they will allow us there." john b let out a laugh.

"i mean, i can talk to topper, well sarah, and she can talk to topper, or i can just maybe ask sarah where the party is, and if it's not at one of their houses, then we can probably go. it's not like they can kick us out of the beach. ya know?" i told them, trying to make up a plan.

"i say, if it's out in the open, not at a kooks house we go, if it's not, then we go night surfing." john b said, stating the final option for tonight.

everyone agreed and we just continued fishing. pope and john b started their own small conversation and kie was having troubles taking a fish off her hook.

i looked over to jj and he was chugging down a beer. why is that so attractive?

i reeled my line in and sat my poll down inside the boat. getting up and walking over to the front of the boat to jj.

"what's up?" i asked him, sitting next to him.

"i'm trying to see how fast i can chug a beer, it's really not working out in my favor though."

"i bet you i can chug faster than you." i smirked at him.

"well, most girls who are good at sucking dick, can." jj said not thinking first.

john b shot his head to us since he was the closest one, "jj!" i said smacking his arm.

"that was not supposed to come out so loud." jj cringed at john b hearing him, this time he said it in a quiet matter.

"good to know you can keep jj satisfied." john b joked, "most girls get a rating when it comes to this man, and most end up being a 3 or lower, due to satisfaction." he tried his best to also keep his voice low so pope and kie couldn't hear, but they were in the back of the boat anyway.

"ew." was all i said. "wait a second, have i been rated?" i scoffed at jj, hitting him once again.

"no, but if were to be, you'd be a 9?" jj laughed.

"a 9? what the fuck jj?" i looked between jj and john b.

"for being a bottom." he smirked at me and opened a new beer.

"i'm not a fucking bottom, oh my god." i rolled my eyes and got up from my seat, walking to the back of the boat with kie and pope.

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