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jj's pov
9:45 am ; wednesday

i felt a small slap on my face and once i opened my eyes pope said, "dude, wake up." i quickly opened my eyes seeing pope standing over me and kie and john b walking up to pope and i.

"what do you want?" i groaned.

"where is coop? she wasn't next to us when we woke up." kie asked, starring down at me.

"and you are asking me why?" i sheltered my eyes from the sun coming through the window as i looked up at them.

"good question." john b stated, not having an answer for me.

"she went out to hammock lastnight, she is probably still there." i told them as i sat up, watching them walk out of the chateau.

i got up from the couch and followed them outside.

"wow, why am i being watched while sleeping?" coop laughed as she sat up.

last night, i couldn't fall asleep so i was tossing and turning for a while until i watch coop get up from where she was laying on the floor and walk out of the chateau. i was just gonna let her go until about 15 minutes later when she didn't come back. that's when i grabbed a blanket and walked outside after her.

"not watching you sleep, just couldn't find you." pope answered.

i grabbed my phone looking at the time and groaning. it was early.

coop's pov

"i got uncomfortable on the floor and when i came out here i decided i just wanted to sleep out here." i shrugged at their concern.

"yeah, that floor is so not comfy." kie stated, making me and pope node in agreement. i grabbed the blanket and got out of the hammock, i glanced down at jj's juul that was still in the hammock, we both must have forgoten about it.

us three walked into the chateau and i checked my phone. 2 missed calls from sarah and one from rose. i shrugged them off, probably nothing important.

i walked over to jj and handed him his juul, him taking it and shoving it into his pocket. big john made us all breakfast and we all sat down to eat.

so much for kie sneaking them breakfast at the wreck.

"so, i have to go with ward tonight, so if you'd like you can have that party. just make sure i don't get a call from the cops. last time was a close one." big john said warning john b.

i wonder what happened last time?

"i know. it will be small." john b said, taking a bite of his eggs.

"should we invite just pogues?" pope asked looking at all his friends.

"yeah, maybe some tourons." john b shrugged.

"and coop and kie." jj added.

pope and john b looked at jj, "obviously."

jj just smiled, shaking his head and taking a bite of food.


11:18 am

i walked into the front door of the cameron's house hold. it was quiet which was usual for a wednesday. i made it to the stairs seeing sarah walk past the hall way up stairs. she looked to be upset.

i ran up stairs and watched her close her door fast. i frowned at it but went and knocked on her door.

"you okay?" i asked and she didn't respond. "sarah?"

"yeah, i'm good, i just-" i could hear her small sobs from the other side of the door.

i opened the door and walked in, she had tear stains all over her face and her hair looked like a war zone.

"what happened?" i sat all my stuff on her chair and moved myself next to her on the bed.

"topper was kissing another girl last night."

i hugged her and she kept crying. "does he know that you like him sarah?"

she pulled away and shook her head, "that's why. i'm sure if he did, he wouldn't be doing that. you have to tell him sarah."

"i can't what if he doesn't like me back and it all just gets weird?"

"you never know until you try. plus you only live once, no harm in trying."

she nodded her head.

"but don't worry about the kiss, it probably meant nothing to him."

she hugged me and stood up, wiping her tears away. "i uh, heard you are hanging out with pogues." she said going over to fix her messy hair.

"yeah, kie, john b, pope and jj." i smiled at the thought. "do you have a problem with them?"

"no, no of course not. kie and i used to be friends." she said looking at me.

"used to?"

"we got into a fight and it never really changed." sarah shrugged.

"oh, what happened?" i asked, intrigued.

"she called the cops on a party i threw."

"i mean, i'm sure she would be cool with you now. maybe you could come with me sometime."

"no, she wouldn't plus if i hang out with them, topper really wouldn't like me."

"topper is a dick. if he doesn't like you because of who you hang with, then he doesn't deserve you sarah."

"i just don't want to. i can't right now. i want this to go right with topper."

"sarah, the pogues are nice people." i looked at her through the mirror.

"i'm sure, but i'd rather not." she shook her head, "i don't mind the pogues, but i want a good thing with topper and no problems."

"that makes sense." i nodded my head at her.

maybe it was a good thing. but i didn't want to start problems with people i just got 'okay' with.

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