twenty four

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jj's pov
12:26 pm ; breakfast.

"so you're telling me she made the first move?" john b took a bite out of his eggs that kie had brought to us.

i was a little upset that i didn't get to wake up to coop's moppy hair and tired eyes, but i liked that she got to have girl time with kie.

"i mean i figured you would at least have kissed her first." pope added.

"okay look, i wasn't planning on kissing her at all last night. i mean i'm not upset that it happened but it wasn't in the plan."

"so you're saying you brought a girl, coop to be exact, to the light house to not kiss her?" john b looked over at his dad, "tell me that's not weird?"

"i'm with jj on this one. you boys are so big on kissing and having sex that you don't even take in the moment." big john stated, on my side.

"okay, so why did coop kiss jj? was she not enjoying the moment?" john b was talking with food in his mouth which earned a slap on the brim on his hat from big john.

"no, i'm sure she was enjoying it," big john looked at me and i nodded. "i think coop kissed jj as a way of saying she liked him. i mean you did say she didn't say it back. maybe she didn't know how. take it as coop shows movements as words."

i sat back and thought about it. i mean he wasn't wrong. but then again you can kiss someone and not have feelings. i have before.

"i still think jj's a pussy." john b chuckled.

"i would guess again man, you're the one with out a girl." i shot back making pope chuckle, then stop after he realized he also is with out a girl.

us three continued to eat, big john doing something at the counter, as we continued talking about what to do for today. we planned to have a party at the boneyard but had to get the girls to join too.

i was thinking maybe during the party coop and i could go smoke and maybe talk about the kiss. usually when coop smokes she gets what ever is on her chest off, but maybe that was just evil?

"i think we should get a kegger?" pope asked, he was never one to drink though.

"if you boys get into any trouble, i don't want to be a part of it."

"we know." we all piped in.

"i don't know about it, i didn't hear about it." big john said again, us all nodding.

3:43 pm ; chateau

"they have been gone for so long." john b complained as we all lounged outside.

"they are probably talking to some hot touron boys." pope looked over at me and i threw my empty beer can at him.

"john b?" sarah cameron said walking up behind us.

john b turned around and looked at sarah. "yeah?"

"where is lexi? she is supposed to be home i guess to help rose with some things." sarah was wearing a yellow swim suit.

i watch john b eye her up and down before saying, "she is on a boat ride with kie. i have no idea."

sarah rolled her eyes and walked back to her car.

"dude really?" i looked at him.

"what? it's not like i know coop's exact location, i just know shes on the water."

"i meant the eyeing sarah cameron down."

"she is hot, i can't not look." he shrugged.

"he ain't wrong." pope chuckled looking over at big john who was shaking his head.

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