twenty six

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jj's pov ; boneyard

"is coop coming?" i asked kie. i was already on my third beer and all i wanted was to see her.

"yeah, with sarah." kie sat down on a tree branch.

"kie, you can't get upset that coop hangs out with sarah, they live together."

"it just sucks. coop is my friend, our friend. i don't want her turning into another sarah cameron."

"you know coop, she wont. plus before she met us she was with sarah all the time, that never changed her."

"i guess."

"maybe you should get along-"

"don't even finish that sentence."

"alright." i put my hands up in defense and took another swig of my beer.

i sat down next to kie and kept my eye on the side where all the cars were parked. i do hope coop comes finds us rather then go with sarah, topper and rafe.

after about 5 minutes of keeping a small conversation with pope and kie, a black suv caught my attention.

i watched it with out blinking an eye. after the suv was parked and shut off, i saw sarah get out with a big smile as topper was already by her side.

coop got out after sarah, a not so big smile. she said her hello's to topper, but she seemed to be in other thoughts then wanting a conversation with him.

"yo, coop is here." john b took my attention off her as he came running up to me.

"yeah, i will let her come to us, i don't want any remarks from topper." i stated, drinking the rest of my beer and opening another one that was next to me.

"she seems to not want to be with topper and sarah." kie stated, we were all watching them.

"go figure." pope added.

as coop finally made eye contact we all looked away, playing it cool like we weren't just all looking her way.

i glanced back at her again and she was running up to us, she was smiling now, a real smile.

"sup, losers."

"finally you're here, jj's drunk ass was whining in my ear all night asking where you were." kie joked hugging coop.

"is that so?" she winked at me but she looked a bit sad.

"no." i stood up and gave her a hug as well, except she held onto me for longer than she did kie. something was wrong.

"so, beer? i want one." coop said, john b instantly handing her one.

she took a big gulp of her newly opened beer and started a conversation with kie. i just watched her. every so often she would say something, or kie would, that would make her crack a smile.

she was definitely the girl guys would goggly eye over. she was definitely the girl i would goggly eye over.

"jj?" pope said next to me, taking me out of my thoughts.

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