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2:15 pm ; tuesday

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2:15 pm ; tuesday

"you know you aren't to bad, lexi." john b said as him and i had our feet in the water, while sitting on the dock.

"call me coop, and that's good. i figured i would end up being hated even more after this, but at least some of you have warmed up to me." i said looking over at jj, implying that he hasn't.

"he takes time. he has a hard time with people. jj likes his circle small." he was also looking at jj.

"yeah, i get that." i looked down at my fingers, chipping away at the white nail polish. it was the same nail polish sarah was putting on earlier today.

"you should hang with us more. jj will soon warm up. then you won't have to hang with sarah's friends." john b looked at me.

"nah, sarah's friends are better than you guys any way." i puffed, making john b shake his head.

"your sarcasm is probably my favorite thing about you so far."

"hey, it's my best quality."

"here." kie said handing me my third beer of the night.

"thanks." i popped it opened and took a sip. looking out at pope and jj swimming in the water.

the two boys were dunking each other under the water, and splashing one another.

"you bring a swim suit?" john b asked as he stood up.

"i live in the outer banks. i am always wearing one." i followed him, standing up.

"good, let's go swimming."

john b hopped in and kie and i took off our clothes, hopping in as well. i took my hair out of the bun that it was in and threw the hair tie up by my clothes on the dock.

us girls swam after john b to the other two. the water was warm, making me relax even though i didn't know i was tense.

we got to pope and jj and big john threw a ball into the water, jj swimming after it.

"catch!" jj yelled as he threw it at john b, bouncing off of kie's head first.

"you ass!" kie yelled splashing him and making me giggle.

all five of us got into a circle and we threw the ball back and forth. just chatting about random things.

"kie, your dad gonna be down to give us free breakfast tomorrow morning?" john b asked, throwing her the ball.

"he is never down to give you guys free food, but i can see what i can do." she threw the ball to pope.

pope threw it to me and i threw it to jj. it went on like that for a while until the three boys wanted to see who could throw the furthest.

we all got out of the water and john b, pope and jj all lined up, opposite side of the yard from kie and i.

john b threw first, getting it passed kie and i. i turned around and ran after it. grabbing it then throwing it to pope.

"you have a secret admire starring at your ass." kie whispered as i walked back to her side. she was looking at jj.

"i think you do too." i said looking over at pope.

we both smirked at each other and watched pope throw it. i wasn't gonna be rude, but pope can't throw. jj stepped in to say something though, "man you suck, good thing you don't play sports."

"shut up jj, i was an intellectual not a jock." pope rolled his eyes.

kie threw the ball back and jj shoved his juul in his pocket, catching the ball.

he threw it and it went past me, but john b's throw was farther.

i looked over at jj and walked backwards, winking at him.

"you got goods in the front i can stare at too!" jj hollered which earned him a slap on the arm from both john b and pope.

i shook my head and turned around, grabbing the ball.

"you suck at throwing," i walked up to him. "john b beat you." i stated as i harshly shoved the ball into jj's arms. i smirked and walked away from him.

i walked onto the dock and grabbed my clothes, putting them on.

i watched as they all walked over to the fire and sat down. it was about 3:12 right now so it's not like i needed to be home or anything.

i walked over to them and took the last empty seat, next to jj and pope.

"so lexi," big john started. "ward got you doing chores around the house?"

"nope. rose said i was no use anyway so he didn't bother." i took a sip of my beer from earlier.

"you know, i'm surprised he didn't make you his servant or something." john b said, getting a wack on the head by big john.

"he rarely talks to me, i don't think he likes that i'm there. god i'm just surprised he hasn't divorced rose yet." i laughed.

"me too." jj scoffed and big john and kie glared at him.

"sorry." he shut him self up.

i just laughed and shook my head. i definitely like these guys better than toppers group.

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