thirty four

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i pulled up to my house, getting out and running up to the front door. ward gave me one of his cars so i wasn't stuck walking everywhere.

ward and i were cool. i mean we didn't consider each other family, but acquaintances is where we were at.

me and rose, well we were still bickering back and forth about everything but it is what it is.

rafe, don't like him. wheezie and sarah they were my sisters from different parents. we got along very well and never really fought. when i wasn't with kie and them i was with either sarah or wheezie.

i walked into the house and rose was sitting on the couch talking to ward.

"what's up?" i asked, walking over to them.

"lexi, we need to talk." ward said.

"come one man, i am in such a good mood right now. i don't wanna ruin that." i sat down on the couch dramatically.

"it's nothing to bad." rose said, she put her hand on my thigh.

"okay?" i swatted her hand away.

"your dad, he is getting out of impatient. he went into treatment for the alcohol abuse. he is getting out in 3 weeks." ward said.


"and, he wants you to move back in with him after the summer ends."

"nope." i shook my head getting up. "not happening."

"lexi, we are giving him the summer to figure his stuff out. this is 100% your choice but if he does get better, finds a job and so on, we think it's a good idea." rose stated.

i chuckled at them, "sounds like i'm being kicked out but fine. if he doesn't have his shit figured out in the next two months, before summer ends, i'm not moving back, won't happen."

"and we would understand that." ward stated. "we will figure it out more later. go have fun at the movies for now."

"thanks." i nodded at him.

i walked back outside to my car and got in. i pounded my fist on the steering wheel. this wasn't what i needed right now.

i blew it all off and headed to the drive in movie. i didn't want to worry about it i still had two months before it was too big of a problem.

once i got to the movie, i hopped out of the car and locked it. i wandered around for a while trying to find jj and all of them.

"sup sexy." i heard from behind me and i was picked up.

"jj put me down!" i yelled as he threw me over his shoulder.

jj ran over to the rest of the group, "found her."

he set me down and i fixed my hair that now looked like a rats nest.

"what are we watching?" pope asked looking at the big screen.

"i think it's 'the notebook'." john b stated, shrugging.

"not a bad movie." i smiled over at kie.

we all took our seats, kie and john b walking over to the concession stands. jj and i shared a blanket to sit on, while the other three shared their own.

i watched as the movie started to play. i have seen it about 100 times but it was definitely a good movie.

i was laying in between jj's legs, my head against his chest. it was comfortable, for me at least. as the movie continued john b and kie came back with our drinks and popcorn. they both took their seats after handing us our things and we all watched the movie.

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