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10:00 pm

"wanna go back?" jj asked as i was trying to tie my shoe. we had already exited the van.

"yeah, just give me a second."

jj bent down, grabbing the laces of my shoe and tied them, smiling up at me.

now my first thought was, this is what jj would look like if he was going down on me, but i let that leave my mind after he grabbed my hand and ran back to the party.

i wasn't gonna lie, i was pretty high. jj walked away so i walked over to john b who was talking to some blonde girl. "hey, do you know where kie is?"

"she was over by the hammock." john b said looking over there.

the blonde who was talking to john b scoffed at me and glared.

i smirked, "your zipper is down."

she went into panic mode and looked down, realizing i was lying but i was already gone.

"hey hot stuff." i motioned to kie.

"damn you smell like weed. what took you guys so long."

"eh, we made out and had sex." i shrugged grabbing someones beer from their hand.

"excuse me?"

"i'm kidding kie. we were just talking. he told me he liked my smile."

"i believe the first one more." john b said from behind me.

"ease dropping much?" i winked at him, downing the beer i stole.

"i'm surprised jj isn't by your side right now." john b questioned looking around.

"no he is over there with some bimbo brunette." i said, smirking. but that smirk quickly disappeared once i realized that jj talking to another girl hurt me.

if you asked me why, i wouldn't have an answer. i mean, these past few days i have been just flirting with jj since i found out he thought i was hot. but it was nothing other than just playful flirting.

"do you like jj, coop?" kie asked.

"i think he's hot." i shrugged, pulling a piece of hair out of my mouth. "cute" i said looking at the blonde hair between my fingers. "remind me not to take random peoples cups."

"we think jj likes you." john b said, making a face at the piece of hair.

"it's been like a couple days though. how is that even possible?" i asked them.

"jj kind of talks about you a lot." kie said, john b nodding.

"like a lot a lot." john b added.

"but like, jj knows nothing about me. i mean i don't even know anything about him. like where he lives or even his last name." i looked over at jj.

how would they even decide that he likes me? it's not like jj has done anything big to show feelings towards me. i guess not that i know of anyway.

"it's maybank, and he lives well, i'm not sure how to explain it but he lives with his dad." john b put an arm around my shoulders.

i smiled at john b. "is that who he gets those bruises from?" i said quieter.

"yeah, but he won't talk about them, none of us do." kie looked at me.

"and that's why he stays at yours all the time?" i looked over at john b.

"yeah, he doesn't go home often, but i think he did some time today because he had a new cut on his lip."

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