Chapter 2: Sanji

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[M/N][L/N] P.O.V

Serving as a waiter and baker, it was a very nice job yet it was hard especially at the Baratie. We were understaffed lately so I had become a waiter. Most of my delicacies were made at night so it was easy for me. Sanji would stay up with me occasionally and watch me. Despite him being harsh to men, he was soft to me in private. He liked calling me (M/N) but in the open he would call me some insult. I know he didn't mean it so it was fine. I turned my head around and saw Sanji leaning on the doorway.

"(M/N), you're up again?"

"Sure am, Sanji do they taste good?"

Sanji briskly walked over and tried the butter cookies and the rainbow cake. He was quiet as if determining their flavours before putting the spoon away he used to try the cake. He looked at them and gave me a thumbs up. I jumped up and down in joy which he told me not to do since it would wake up everyone else. I apologised in a hushed voice as Sanji's eyes drifted to my sword.

"Why do you use a near blunt sword?"

"Because I don't want to really hurt people."

"That's valid, don't stay up too late this time (M/N)" Sanji advised before he went off to bed. My eyes glimmered as I went back to working my hands at baking this intricate dish. The hours flew by as I crafted my sweet delights. I wanted to stop after making one but now around seven in, I couldn't stop. I was really in the zone. A hand plopped onto my head, snapping me back into reality. It was owner of the restaurant, Zeff.

"You're so stupid, you have to serve customers in a few hours!"

"Hehe sorry!"

Heading off to bed, I got some shut eye before Patty woke me up to start the day a few hours later. It was pretty normal so far but Sanji had to be a waiter with me too today. I laughed when he balanced the plate on his head. I heard a large ruckus so I excused myself from my current customers and went to check it out. Zeff was bleeding so I freaked out and started bandaging him.

"Zeff, are you alright?!"

"I'll live, thanks for the helping an old man like me"

Smiling, I worked on bandaging his head and arms to stop the bleeding. I used antiseptic to disinfect his wound properly and clean off the blood. Once I was done, he looked way better so I turned my head to the side an saw a massive hole in the roof of his room. The broken wood left splinters all over the ground and I was sure there was glass there too.

Grabbing the broom, I began sweeping carefully. I didn't want Zeff to get hurt so I cleaned the floor properly as I grabbed a few trash bags to put the large materials in as Zeff leaned against the wall. I sweeped the room an extra three times before mopping it just in case. Zeff told me I went overkill. A few chefs came to check if Zeff was alright but he told them to get back to work. I was tying up the bags of rubble in it before turning my head and seeing Luffy.

"I'm still injured all over my body thanks to you! If you got no money then you'll have to work it off"

"Sure thing, I'll make it up to you!"

"You'll work odd jobs around my restaurant without pay for a year!"

"O-One year!" Luffy exclaimed with wide eyes. I laughed and handed him the trash bags. Luffy didn't seem able to process such information. He told us he wanted to be the King of Pirates and he couldn't be waiting around a year for it. He told Zeff to cut it down to just one week but Zeff reminded him of the cannonball Luffy shot. Luffy waited ten years to become a pirate so he wasn't willing to wait another year. He got kicked to the wall but thankfully there was no damage.

"Then, Zeff, I'll pay you for the damage and work twice as hard for his sake."

"Woah! You'd do that for me?"

"Why not? It seems like the cannonball wasn't even yours. Accidents happen all the time. Now come help me please. That's fine with you, right Zeff?"

Gesturing to the bags, Luffy nodded as he got to work. Zeff rubbed his temples as he sighed and called me an idiot. Smiling, I got up as he helped me dispose of the trash bags by putting them in the disposal bin. I went back to serving afterwards. My customers didn't seem to mind as I joked with them. I suddenly heard a table break. A marine had broken a table but Sanji easily beat him up and held him by the neck.

"Seems like we have one more problem to fix today... Seems fun"

Patty came into the room as I continued serving after reassuring the customers everything was fine. He got mad at Sanji but I just let them sort it out. I went to the kitchen to grab the next tray of dishes to serve. Coming back into the room. Zeff was suddenly there with two chefs who were holding back Sanji with a lot of effort. Zeff kicked the marine and told him to get lost.

"This is very fun"

"This place is sure noisy" Luffy remarked. I nodded my head as I served the customers quickly, giving them smiles to release the tension in the room and jokes to make them laugh. Soon, the usual atmosphere returned. That was until the door slammed open and another marine came in trying to tell the other marine some sort of information but he got shot. A man sat by himself at the table as he threatened Patty with the lead of his bullet.

"Sorry sir, please don't cause trouble in this restaurant!"

Smiling, I quickly took away his gun saying it was a dangerous item before he could react. I handed it to Zeff before returning to my job. I kept serving and suddenly another table broke but this time by Patty. Zeff seemed mad about it saying that I had already taken away the gun. I went to the back and grabbed a plate of food. It seems Sanji had the same idea. I shoved the plate into his hand.

"I know you'd do the right thing too"

A/N: Second Chapter is done! Thanks for reading!

A/N: Second Chapter is done! Thanks for reading!

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