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[M/N][L/N] P.O.V

After finding out that Hacchin had been hurt by Horde and his group, I got infinintly more pissed. We couldn't just pass through here. Luffy and Jimbei nearly broke out into another fight for Jimbei's refusal to let go fight despite Luffy's protests. I held Luffy back. Calmly, I reasoned with Luffy to just hold back for a minute and Nami was surprised when he did. Turning to Jimbei, I looked at him seriously.

"You never answered my initial question. So... What is the plan?"


The plan was explained to us. I nearly laughed when Luffy argued he didn't want to be a hero since he would have to share his meat with people. It was surprising that Luffy agreed since he was very put off by crowds cheering him on like a hero. I reassured Jimbei that I would get the rest of our crew back. It was funny to see Luffy steaming that he might be cheered on. Jimbei thanked us before he started worrying about a strategy name. I know pirates should do everything in style but now was not the time to be worrying about a strategy name!

Once Jimbei and Shirahoshi took their leave on Megalo. Immediately, we put the plan into action. I went to the edge of the bubble and called the Sea Kings to be ready for back up. Robin was ready too after Nami got us the keys for the locks to the princes as well as the paper slip from the Celestial Dragon. I went to the palace where Usopp, Brook, Chopper and Zoro were held captive. Running on the walls, I jumped up to the cage and unlocked it before helping Chopper and Brook swim out since they got heavier in water.

Quickly, I informed the four of the plan and we left to plaza after boarding the flying Thousand Sunny. Inside the ship was shaky as I felt and heard the explosions going on outside. We managed to take the princes and get their locks undone with Robin's Devil Fruit quickly. The impact from crashing onto the ground told me that it was our time to shine so I got out and stood next to slightly behind Luffy's left side with Sanji next to me. The dust settled and we made our presence known. I decided to do the peace sign while being very casual yet allowing my deathly aura to be emitted slightly.

"We've got two new weapons! Anyone wanna ride?" Franky offered.

"Oh what type of weapons?! How destructive?!" Luffy and Chopper asked excitedly.

Honestly, all of the crew just ended up ignoring the enemies. I even had a conversation with Sanji about food. Luffy had changed the nickname for Shirahoshi from Crybaby to Weakhoshi and I have no idea which I worse. Hearing Jimbei ask Shirahoshi to let us help with the hope to get to the surface, I felt happy deep down. I was even happier when she agreed. The moment was sullied by Horde announcing his plan to take over and use the reverie to kill everyone at the Holy land of Mary Geoise.

However, the straw that broke the camel's back was when Horde said he would become Pirate King. Luffy used his Conquerer's Haki to knock out half of 100,000 people. Luffy announced there was no need for more than one Pirate King. Easily, I used my Conquerer's Haki and raised the bar to include all those 50,000 people left who opposed us. Luffy turned to me in surprise but I gave him a look that would explain later. The attack that Horde shot at Shirahoshi failed because Jimbei deflected the attack. If Horde wanted to kill Shirahoshi then he would have to get through us.

Everyone got ready for battle. I have to admit seeing Zoro pull the bandana down over his left eye was really sexy especially being shirtless and seeing Sanji perform Skywalk was amazing. I didn't want to be left behind so I unsheathed my blade for the first time and gave an air slice that completely cut deeply into the ground between our group and the enemies. Smiling, I went in and began having fun taking them out easily. Mihawk and Sengoku really did prepare me for the New World. Horde decided to bring forth the Kraken friend I met earlier. Surume is what Luffy had named him. Waving at the Kraken, I laughed when it switched to our sides and let me go on top of it's head. I had easier access to send air slashes down on any remaining enemies.

"Surume! Did I ever tell you how much of a good boy you are?! You're amazing!" I praised.

Surume nodded

"Can you protect the princess please?" I asked kindly

Eagerly, Surume nodded his head. At that moment, I saw Franky transform into a robot which was super cool. Nami has learnt how to control the weather to form a sword and Usopp's affinity for nature to be used in his shots was great. Robin creating massive feet to stomp people with was very cool too. It was funny to see them fall into the hole in the ground I made. Seeing Chopper's new Hornpoint that could dig underground was a sight to behold.

Horde started praising Surume and told him to start choking Shirahoshi otherwise his brother's lives were in danger but Luffy kindly told Surume that he would protect them too with a bright smile. I praised Surume when he stopped hurting Shirahoshi. It was good to see Luffy walk up to Horde and one shot him with a kick into a wall easily while I easily took out more enemies. My Observation Haki started showing me a large ship and sure enough the large ship emerged.

The King called it the Noah but was distraught since it should never be released until the day has come. The danger of the Noah became very evident that if it bursted the bubble then we were all dead and all the neighborhoods in Fishman Island would be blown away. I noticed Shirahoshi going up so I jumped onto her shoulder as I reminded her of the promise with Luffy to keep her safe. She told me not to break the ship so I only sent it bouncing back by using an air slash to push the bubble upwards. It bought us time.

The smart move made me redirect Shirahoshi to the exit of the bubble. The pressure wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but it was extremely painful. However, right now I had a duty to protect Shirahoshi and fulfill her wishes so that was all I did. Her brothers came to protect her after she rejected the stalker again before I sent another air slash towards the Noah to hold it off. The Noah was coming dangerously close to us and pinned us between the mountain as it crashed into it. There was rubble coming down on us so I sent it flying. It was painful holding myself back to not allow the Noah to get a scratch as I kept pushing it back.

Unfortunately, Horde came after us so I sent some cuts to his chest so he could back off. He tried to rip out Shirahoshi's hair but I dislodged his shoulder. The water pressure was becoming better. The prince had come in with Luffy who was in a bubble to intervene but his attacks were too weak. Quickly, I stayed on Shirahoshi's shoulder as she seemed determined before I reached a hand out to Luffy to select him. I began enhancing him and he grinned. Too bad, that the one time we didn't need stalker to not pass out, he did.

My brain started thinking fast, I swam off Shirahoshi and grabbed the chains of the Noah. The water reduced its weight so it was bearable yet extremely painful. Swimming to the side of the cliff, I braced myself on the slight flooring it gave before wrapping the wrists around my arms and imbuing my arms and legs with Haki. I dug my feet into the ground and concentrated on keeping the arc up as long as possible. I placed my bets on Luffy so I still kept enhancing him. The waiting game began.

A/N: Hi, fun fact. (M/N) has gotten better at regular cooking but he is still very average. Second fun fact, (M/N)'s sweets are considered out of this world. Thanks for reading!

 Thanks for reading!

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