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[M/N][L/N] P.O.V

Getting off, I moved past the three admirals quickly as Sengoku yelled to begin the execution. The two men were cut down from a far by Crocodile. Kizaru kicked Luffy away so I went in and broke Kizaru's leg with a sickening crack. I wanted to cut it off but couldn't since he turned back into light and moved away. My Observation Haki let me make it in time to move Luffy out of the way from being stabbed by Aokiji. Marco came in and dealt a swift kick to Aokiji. Ace's voice made me turn to the ocean to see that Whitebeard and the rest had made it through the walls.

"I might as well capture you now, Enhancer"

My gaze was redirected to the danger of Akainu who went into to punch me but I dodged it. His lava was something very dangerous so I was walking on thin ice in his presence. I needed stronger Haki to fight this person. His fists were blocked with my sword and I was keeping up until he did something petty, he went from Luffy who was shot by Kizaru's light. I was met with a swift painful burning punch to the stomach but I took the opportunity to give a deep cut to his neck before grabbing Luffy who was on the ground, passed out and moving to Whitebeard who had advanced a lot.


Easily, Whitebeard caught Luffy and I us before hanging us upside down as Ivankov's massive head loomed over the wall. My hat nearly fell off so I grabbed held onto it before he tossed Luffy over to the people for medical treatment while I was used to enhance Whitebeard while he sent a few tremors that tilted the place even more. He told me that Luffy was full of spunk and talk but he had a soft spot for people like him. Whitebeard used my help for enhancing very well while I watched the execution platform.

The moment Marco was almost there to help Ace, he was punched away by Garp. Whitebeard hauled my ass by throwing me over to Marco before he collapsed to the ground spluttering blood due to old age. This made Marco panic and turn his back which nearly let him get hit by Kizaru's beams. Luffy's scream filled the air as he got up while I saw Ace's face crying in happiness. Marco tried to go into his phoenix form but an officer had slapped sea stone cuffs onto him, greatly hindering him.


Conquerer's Haki. Luffy had it too. The battle halted for a brief second. Whitebeard got back up and I cut the cuffs off Marco before jumping down to Luffy and helping him up ramp before Garp stood in our way. Luffy said he couldn't kill Garp so he punched him out of the way before I grabbed Luffy and threw us onto the platform. I took out the key but the moment I tried to make it enter the keyhole, it broke. Sengoku was next to us and he transformed into his Buddha form. The next moments ticked by as Sengoku's large hand came down and clashed with my sword while I subconsciously activated Conquerer's Haki and Armament Haki at the same time sending shockwaves as it clashed with Sengoku's.

My deadly gaze and Haki was fighting against Sengoku's while Luffy and No.3 got Ace out. The other fist came down and the whole platform broke as his Haki imbued fists came even harder down onto my sword as I heard the sword begin to break. It did and I was sent flying only to be caught by someone. Ace caught me in one arm while he had Luffy in the other, calling us reckless idiots who overdid it. I grinned at him but let out a surprised sound when he leaned down and gave a strong hug to me.

The enhancement took place faster immediately. The warm Devil Fruit harmonising nicely with me. We weren't out of the clear just yet so we had to take down the marines and escape. After enhancing and strengthening Ace back to normal, I got out of his arms and cut down the Marines before Ace let out a huge fire blast followed by Luffy's punching. Aokiji tried to attack us by encasing us in his ice but Ace countered it with his fire.


Whitebeard continued


Whitebeard ended his speech as he charged into battle as earthquakes began shaking Marineford. I pulled Ace's arm to try and snap him out of his daze. Ace collapsed to his knees as fire engulfed the surrounding area. My dirty bloody hands kept trying to get Ace up as he cried before I started crying. Whitebeard turned to us and smiled. My hands trembled under his gaze.

"Ace...(M/N) was I a good father?"

"Of course!" Ace answered

"No, you were the best dad!" I yelled

Whitebeard laughed as I finally pulled Ace up and started running with Luffy and Jimbei. Akainu stood above from behind us as he began insulting the Whitebeard Pirates. Ace stopped next to me as I covered his head and begged him not to listen as Akainu called them cowards and simpletons. I held Ace back as Izo screamed and pleaded at Ace not to get agitates while Ace could only angrily scream to take that back. Then, Akainu after getting into a battle with Ace that Ace lost since he was a weaker subclass in Devil Fruit, chose to go after Luffy as Luffy went to pick up his Vivre Card. Ace went in to protect Luffy.

I had to act.

A/N: Fact, Ace won't really be making it out alive but there will be an ending for him which is happy. I'm preparing you all early. Fact two, (M/N) ended up badly injuring the admirals by breaking Kizaru's leg and harming Akainu by cutting his neck. Akainu has permeant injuries on his neck and other parts from him. Thanks for reading!

 Thanks for reading!

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