Fujitora Vs (M/N)

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[M/N][L/N] P.O.V

"No! Get serious you dumbass!" I yelled at Doflamingo.

The only answer Law and I got was just a maniac laughing his head off. I wanted this man to take Law seriously. The next thing I new is that we had engage in combat. There was no point trying to come to a solution since they plan had gone to shit. Unfortunately, I had to fight Issho since Doflamingo went after Law immediately. Raising my blade towards Issho, I grit my teeth as he charged directly at me and used his Devil Fruit powers to increase the gravitational pull.

My knees trembled but I went into a semi-meditated state, pushing away the pain as I began running at Issho and raised my sword after imbuing it with Haki. I pulled a phantom move by making it seem like I was going for Issho's shoulder when in reality, I was heading for his knees. Ducking, I swung at his knees and cut them badly which threw him off balance as I narrowly dodged the slice he sent me.

Then, I dropped onto the ground after throwing my sword in the air and with one hand pushing me up before swinging my legs in a full circle to completely knock him off his feet. My sword came back down just as he was in the air and I caught it before lowering my elbow and pushing back up to launch myself off the ground to give him a great cut that wounded his shoulder as well. He couldn't wield his blade as well as he could before now.

It seems though that Issho decided to bring down another meteorite as he moved backwards and away from me. I made a quick slice to the meteorite before dodging the other one he sent down towards me. I launched myself backwards and leaped onto a tree to cut down the other two meteorites he sent my way which left massive craters in the ground. In return I sent a dozen air slashes his way which he avoided all but in doing so, it let me charge back in and cut him again really well. He clenched his teeth as he knew he already lost. My speed was too fast for his gravitational pull.

Suddenly, Haki imbued strings were sent my way, coming in between Issho and my duel. Doflamingo whistled over at us which caught our attention as he laughed before pointing down to Law who was laying on the ground. He commanded Issho to halt the fighting and threatened me with Law's life so I sheathed my blade before raising my hands. My eyes were scanning everywhere for a solution as I began walking towards Law. All the environment surrounding us looked like it had been sliced clean with strings.

"Fufufufu! You look so sexy when you're angry baker! Y-"

"Get to your point dumbass." I cut him off.

"So temperamental, I wonder how long you'll stay that way, Baker! I'd love to fuck you with that attitude. Be a good boy and sit next to Law will you? Don't try anything, Baker" Doflamingo smirked.

"...Alright." I said.

Strolling up to Law, I kneeled down on the ground as Issho extended his sword downwards to my neck and above Law's torso while he sat down on a fallen tree. For some reason, Doflamingo began telling us a story about a kingdom existing 800 years ago. 20 Kings from 20 Countries came together and formed what now is known as the World Government which made them the Creators. These 20 families except the Nefetari Family all moved to the Holy Land of Mary Geoise. The descendants are known as Celestial Dragons. The king position in those countries were now empty so new heirs were selected and for this kingdom, it was the Riku Family.

One of the Creater Families that went to live in the Holy Land of Mary Geoise was the Donquixote family and Doflamingo was a descendant of that family. He was a Celestial Dragon... Well he used to be. Doflamingo walked over to us as he bent down and grabbed my face, squishing my cheeks. The enhancing began. His strings wrapping around my neck as my breath hitched and got caught in my throat. Law was also caught up in those strings.

I glared at the Doflamingo who pulled me upwards slightly and kissed my lips but I bit his lip in return, making them bleed. All his extreme emotions were flowing into me as I enhanced him. He smirked wickedly as I continued to struggle. I hated this.  Thankfully, Issho has some moral and despite being blind, realised Doflamingo was harassing me so he angled the sword instead at Doflamingo's neck. He threatened Doflamingo if he harassed me any further in his presence so Doflamingo let go of my face after licking the blood away.

"You're so cute."

"And you're a sadistic piece of shit." I seethed.

From a far, I heard a sound of lightning despite being no rain so I knew they were here so I used my Haki to check and Chopper, Brook, and Nami were there. I made a number four sign behind my back to signal to Law and he got the message. Issho noticed too and mentioned the lightning to Doflamingo. Immediately, we dipped after he found out that the heart he was holding wasn't Ceaser's. Thanks to Law's Room ability, we both got out as he grabbed Ceaser. I went to the side to the ship to protect it while Law made a diversion.

It seemed as though Doflamingo isn't as dumb as I hoped since he realised the gig and headed for the Thousand Sunny but I could tell Sanji would save the day with my Haki in the next few seconds. He blocked the kick but he got caught up in Doflamingo's strings. Fortunately, Law switched a random log with Doflamingo that he threw next to me so Doflamingo appeared besides me as he unleashed his deadly attack on Dressrosa on accident.

Taking the opportunity, I swung my blade into Doflamingo's side and sent him flying into the large ravine I made to buy us a few minutes. My cut had wounded his whole torso too and gave it a very bad look which would make Mihawk proud. Backing up, I leaped onto the ship but Sanji caught me this time as he told me to be careful. Sanji called out Law that he's been focusing on Doflamingo too much even though Doflamingo should just be a check point to Kaido. Was Law somehow connected on a deeper level?

My question was soon answered by the look Law gave. He's here for revenge. My Haki went off and I quickly jumped up into the air to cut the meteorite into two before landing safely. I remembered to borrow mouthwash all of a sudden to get rid of the feeling of Doflamingo's mouth on mine. Unfortunately, there was no time since I grabbed Law with the other underling as Doflamingo pulled us back.

Doflamingo looked pissed.

Oh shit.

A/N: Thanks for for reading! Fun fact, Issho wants to lowkey murder Doflamingo for harassing (M/N). He needs to form a protection squad with Rayleigh and Sengoku. Second fun fact, Rayleigh can sense the harassment Doflamingo is doing and wants to take (M/N) home while Shakki's instincts let them know that he will be fine. I hope I'm portraying Doflamingo as a bit of a crazy bastard.

 I hope I'm portraying Doflamingo as a bit of a crazy bastard

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