Eustass Kid

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[M/N][L/N] P.O.V

"Eh?! (M/N) has the highest bounty?!"  Chopper looked gobsmacked.

I had left before Shakki could finish with Zoro following me. My face was bright red since I didn't expect to be the highest. Zoro was quiet before he nudged my shoulder and gave me a grin. That lifted my spirits so we headed to the Grove 40 area to buy a new sword for me. I held Zoro's hand by one finger so he didn't get lost which greatly embaressed him. Soon enough, we came across a shop. Heading inside, there was honestly not a single one that appealed to me nor to Zoro. We really did look around before giving up.

"Oh well, at least we saw possible options." I sighed

"Yeah, let's get some booze."

"That would be nice but lets not get enough to let our guard down. Hey Zoro, isn't it a little weird that no Marines are overwatching us? We even have twelve people with over 100,000,000 Beli on their heads. That means their caught up with something but what could that be."

Zoro and I went to a sake shop and bought a large bottle while I got a normal that was on the smaller side. We drank as we walked. It was nice to see all the surrounding and I drew as I walked even if it was a difficult task. Zoro seemed to be content until we came across a Celestial Dragon but no change in facial expression. The Celestial Dragon was trying to force a lady to be his wife and even shoot her fiance. I tried to as calmly as possible to put away my sketchbook book. Zoro walked up to the guy.

"Huh? What you need directions?" Zoro asked.

"Yeah, his direction sense of morals is very fucked."

The moment the man pulled out his gun and aimed it towards Zoro, Zoro had drawn his sword as did I but I quickly grabbed the girl from his clutches before aiming to swing my sword at his head. The killing intent was slipping off us but I purposely missed when someone crashed into Zoro. A lady turned into a child while I speedily stepped inside a shop and hid the lady with a finger to my lips. Fake crying could be heard from the pink haired child before the Celestial Dragon left after confusion. He was so confused that he forgot about the lady and I. The moment they were gone, I led the lady out of the shop. She cried in my arms as she thanked me but the sight of her shot fiance made her cry.

"Don't worry, do you have some medical supplies?"

The lady nodded and gave them to me  before I quickly got to work on helping the man with his bullet wound while the pink haired girl turned back into a lady. Patiently, I quickly used a scalpel after disinfecting it with alcohol. Carefully, I cut the skin to allow easier access for my tweezers to pull out the bullet which worked. Then, I stitched him up and cleaned the excess blood before bandaging him. During the process, the pink haired lady whacked me in the head with her leg but I didn't move or even acknowledge her.

"Here you go miss! I hope you two have a successful wedding when the times come."

"Thank you so much! We're not rich but I'll give you any money you want!"

"No thanks, he was just an injured innocent person." I rejected

Third P.O.V

"Thanks to Jewelry Bonney, we avoided the worst case scenario. Those two men were 'Pirate Hunter Zoro' and 'Sweet Deadly Baker-(M/N)'" An underling of Capone informed.

"I heard some of them were crazy but to defy a Celestial Dragon but that's just insane." Capone muttered.

"Of course they were saved, they don't have the look of death around them, I need more information about the Sweet Deadly Baker." Hawkins said.

"Those bastards, for a second, they were letting out lethal amounts of killing intent. They're beasts." Apoo remarked

"Pirate hunter Zoro, he's the first mate and he's got a bounty of 120,000,000 Beli and the other is a good acquaintance. They don't look like they follow orders. That must say something about their captain." Urouge smiled

[M/N][L/N] P.O.V

A flying fish rider came down to us. Instantly, I signalled to Zoro in a serious manner to listen as Jewelry Bonney stomped off. We got news that Camie had been kidnapped. Zoro nodded at me and we left to search for Camie but he ran off as I yelled at him to wait before sighing. The man who was shot woke up and cried happily in his fiances arms. I closed my eyes and used Observation Haki to locate Camie. Snapping my eyes open, I jumped onto the roof and bounced to the area. A flying fish rider told me about the news on the way and I informed them of the location of Camie. I arrived at the entrance and saw the two disgusting Celestial Dragons earlier.

"Hey mister? Is there any new mermaids up for sale with green short hair?" I asked

"Y-yes she just came in." The guy remarked.

Thanking the man, I leaned against a wall and closed my eyes using my Observation Haki to make sure Camie was here and she was somewhat alright. This let me catch a flying fist coming towards my face. I raised an eyebrow at the pirate with very fair skin and red hair. He must be Eustass Kid. He grunted and scowled before witnessing how the Celestial Dragons were acting. I agreed aloud when he stated how we seem pretty humane compared to them.

"They don't even understand the world is in this state because of scum like them control it. We've got our bad side but we got our cute side too. Right Killer?" Kid questioned

"No mistake" Killer remarked

"How about you, weirdo?"

"Captain... That's (M/N), the Sweet Deadly Baker. He's got a higher bounty than you." Someone whispered but I heard it.

"Oh~ Really? I thought he would be a bit more threatening."

Kid said to his people, clearly trying to rile me up so we could fight. Turning, I smiled at Kid before walking inside to the auction house. I just took out my sketchbook and continued drawing while thinking of a plan about those things around their necks. Kid noticed that my katana was made out of wood and was laughing. He teased me over how I was just a little baker who shouldn't be here. Casually, I ate my cookies even if Kid stole one but I let him take it. He seemed surprised he actually liked them.

"Thank you for your flattery." I gave a closed eye smile.

Turning my back to Kid, I walked deeper into the room and saw Law and Bepo sitting there with Shachi and Penguin. Happily, I bounced over to where they were and Bepo hugged me. I gushed over how cute and happy he was before he seemed sad and nervous. I pet his hair and reassured him that it would be fine. Bepo excitedly pat the spot next to me and I took. He resorted to hugging me while Shachi and Penguin snickered about me being a mom. I gave them the death glare in response and they apologized immediately.

"You really know how to discipline those two. I could use you around some more."

"I should visit you more often, Law. Bepo is too cute to resist." I replied.

"Oh, I heard you had a reputation. I've heard some pretty bad rumours from you, Death Surgeon."

"Shut up, goth ass wannabe jerk " I said

Law and I gave him the middle finger. Law has a shit eating smirk on his face while I had a polite smile. Only for Kid to smirk.

"No manners."

A/N: Fun fact, I was going to have Kid and (M/N) have fight by Kid but I prefer them bickering and the witty retorts. Fun fact, Kid is not immune to (M/N)'s cuteness. Thanks for reading!

 Thanks for reading!

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